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Fan-generated Oathbound stories, dungeons, art, content, etc.
10/18/2010 4:52:24 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
This thread is meant for new monsters for Oathbound. I shall be posting mine in Labyrinth Lord stats and I would expect that other fans to use 3.X or Pathfinder. Or whatever engine they prefer.

First up, odd little fey inspired by a paragraph in Arena.

Name Mineral Sprite
No. Enc. 0 (3d4)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 60' (20')
swim 180' (60')
AC 4
HD 3
Attacks 1 (fist)
Damage d4
Save L3
Morale 12
Hoard Class XII, XIII
Mineral sprites are found in the abandoned, flooded mines of Arena. Though few dare drink the toxic waters, mineral sprites find them perfect for survival. In fact they are found no where else because they spontaneously generate in said mines. The sprites are the result of all the free divine magic flowing through the Forge interacting with the environment, specifically the mineral content of the water. Mineral sprites look like tiny winged humanoids made of stone. The wings can not be used for flight, but rather allow the sprites to swim exceptionally fast for their size (6" tall). Because of their rarity and unusual origins, some people in the cities in Penance, Eclipse and Anvil like keeping them as pets. Sprites can survive out of their homewater for only a few hours and monster collectors must replicate this water (specific to the mine) to keep their charges alive. Mineral sprites are not intelligent and feed directly on the stone walls of their home. The treasure they collect are from surrounding veins of precious ore and items from those fools who drank from the mine's waters.
edited by Derek Holland on 10/18/2010
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10/19/2010 3:31:33 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name Spark
No. Enc. d20 (0)
Alignment Neutral
Movement fly 900' (300')
AC -6
HD 1
Attacks 1 (slam)
Damage d6 plus stun
Save F0
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Sparks are tiny lightning elementals found throughout the Forge. They prefer to move through saltwater and desert air but can be found just about everywhere that electricity can flow. A few zip around in the mists of Eclipse, causing the fog to glow and spooking most creatures. As they fly so fast, most sparks don't realize they hurt those they touch. Anything touched by a spark takes damage and must save versus spells or be stunned for d6 rounds. The sparks that most people interact with are those in jars. As they need no food or even air, sparks make long lasting sources of light. Of course if the bottle or jar breaks, the spark attacks those who held it before hunting for more of its kind. Only specially trained individuals can catch sparks (in 3.X terms, a feat). In the most desolate areas, it may take a few hours to catch one with the proper bait and trap. In the best locations a trapper can catch ten or more per day. The typical spark lamp costs 100 gp.

Name Ice Pit
No. Enc. d8 (0)
Alignment Neutral
Movement swim 180' (60')
fly 60' (20')
AC 4
HD 12
Attacks 1 or 1 (bite or heat aura)
Damage 2d8 or 10d10
Save F8
Morale 10
Hoard Class none

Ice pits are odd creatures found in volcanos and lava lakes. They look like spherical giant turtles with paddle legs and ripping beaks. Ice pits absorb a great deal of heat and anything touching them suffers 3d6 points of cold damage per round. Once a month, they have to surface and float above the liquid rock to release this heat. Anything within 500' takes damage from the heat aura. A save versus wands reduces damage by half. After dumping this heat, the pit loses its ability to fly and falls back into the lava. Ice pits prey on fire and earth elementals (or magma paraelementals) and are hunted by surface dwellers for their body parts which can be used in making magical items related to heat and cold.

Name Blot
No. Enc. 1 (0)
Alignment Neutral
Movement fly 90' (30')
AC 3
HD 6
Attacks 1 (slam)
Damage d8
Save T5
Morale 8
Hoard Class none

Blots are found in Eclipse, the Gloomskein and other places underground. They are clouds of darkness that attack not a creature's flesh but rather its shadow. This gives the blot a +4 to hit but if there is no light, the blot has no way to attack. If it consumes a creature's shadow, the victim turns to dust and only a wish can bring them back.

Name Razor Rock
No. Enc. d4 (3d6)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 10' (3')
AC 0
HD 2
Attacks 1 (blade)
Damage 2d4
Save F1
Morale 12
Hoard Class XII

Exclusive to the caves below Eclipse, razor rock are predators that wait for prey to come to them. In fact most do not know that razor rock is a creature at all, but rather see them as unusually hazardous terrain. They hibernate until stepped on, when they are travelling to find a mate or finding new hunting grounds. They breed fairly fast and can fill a small tunnel or cave within a matter of months. They look like lumps of stone with a sharp crest. They do stab at those who step on them but will take whatever flesh they can as obviously they can't chase prey (i.e. any damage feeds them).
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10/20/2010 3:12:54 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name Great Bellower
No. Enc. 10d10 (0)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 180' (60')
AC 4
HD 10
Attacks 1 or 1 (horns or stomp)
Damage d8 or 2d6
Save F6
Morale 9
Hoard Class none

Though there are many bovines on the Plains of Pennance, few are as impressive as the great bellower. 15' at shoulder, a rack of 6 horns, hide thick enough to turn an axe and a call that can be heard a hundred miles away. Some valco tribes consider the horns to be items of power and enchant them as weapons or enhancement items (eg powder of bull's endurance). There is enough meat on a bull to feed ten people for a week but few hunters try as there are other, safer species to hunt.

Name Demonic Bee
No. Enc. d8 (50d8+100)
Alignment Chaotic
Movement fly 270' (90')
AC 4
HD 5
Attacks 1 (sting)
Damage d4
Save M5
Morale 10
Hoard Class XVII

Demonic bees are 12' long with orange and red markings. Natives to the abyss, they were brought to the Forge long ago to provide Haiel and the queen some additional hazards for their domains. The bees' sting paralyses those who fail a save versus poison and they collect all kinds of creatures to make their honey. This honey is larval oozes and the type of ooze that results depends on the creatures that were fed to it.

In addition to the standard oozes, here are a couple examples to suprise players and PCs.

Name Hurling Ooze
No. Enc. 1 (0)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 60' (20')
AC 7
HD 8
Attacks 1 or 1 (boulder or slam)
Damage 3d6 or d12
Save F4
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Hurling oozes are found underground and in forests. They live above the ground, waiting for food to pass under them. The ooze attacks by dropping a boulder or similar object and if any blood is spilt, then the ooze drops down to feed. Hurling oozes are immune to falling damage and blend in with their surroundings so the boulder strike is a suprise 1-7 on a d8. A few very large hurling oozes carry more than one boulder and fling them at targests instead of just dropping them.

Name Flame Ooze
No. Enc. 1 (0)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 180' (60')
AC 8
HD 2
Attacks 1 (touch)
Damage d3
Save F1
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Named because of the pain they inflict, flame oozes are tiny parasites of humanoids and animals. They seem to float over the ground and as soon as they touch potential prey, the target must save versus poison. If the save is failed, the ooze enters the body and starts feeding on certain parts of the nervous system. When it is done d4 hours later, the ooze splits into four one hit die oozes and leaves the still living host. The results are devastating. The host loses half its dexterity and two points of intelligence. Only regeneration spells can heal this damage.
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10/21/2010 4:27:46 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name God Blight
No. Enc. 1 (0)
Alignment Neutral
Movement special
AC 9
HD see chart
Attacks special
Damage special
Save C (1/2 HD)
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

God blight is a mold that feeds on the abundant positive energy the bound god releases. Its spores are found everywhere in the atmosphere of the Forge. When they encounter positive energy, the spores germinate on nearby surfaces. Clerics who turn undead tend to get god blight growing on their gear and armor. The infestation grows each time it is exposed to positive energy and eventually takes a toll on turning checks. The largest patches of mold use the energy to animate the object they are growing on. Treat this as a skeleton or zombie. The mold is immune to weapon damage but can be scraped off. A through job takes one hour per hit die of mold. Otherwise it is reduced to d3 hit dice. The only ways to kill this mold are cure disease spells and negative energy.

Turn Checks Hit Dice Notes
1-4 1 -
5-8 2 -
9-12 3 Add one hit die to undead turned
13-16 4 Add two hit dice to undead turned
17-20 5 Add three hit dice to undead turned
21-24 6 Add four hit dice to undead turned
25-28 7 -
29+ 8 Mold animates object

Name Honey Vine
No. Enc. 0 (1)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 0'
AC 6
HD 4
Attacks 1 (grab)
Damage d4+4 plus constriction
Save F2
Morale 10
Hoard Class VII

Honey vines are a common predator in Wildwood's jungles. They draw prey through a sweet odor. Any reptile, bird or mammal that comes within 500' of a hungry vine must save versus poison or be drawn to the vine. The victim(s) does not submit to being killed and the vine has to make an attack roll to grab and constrict. Dead honey vines are common because they draw prey much more powerful than themselves. A few people that aren't reptiles, bird or mammals (such as bern) use honey vines to draw enemies into ambush.

Name Turf Ripper
No. Enc. 3d8 (0)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 150' (50')
AC 6
HD 3
Attacks 1 (bite)
Damage 2d4
Save F2
Morale 8
Hoard Class none

Turf rippers are pigs found on the plains of Pennance. Normally they are stuck eating the roots of grass and forbs but they are constantly hunting for klaa root. When turf rippers find the scent of klaa (a small shrub), they go bezerk and attempt to eat even a small portion of its roots. If they are successful, the pigs turn into giant, slavering carnivorous monsters in 2 rounds. They gain AC 3, 12 hit dice and 3d8 points of bite damage. This transformation lasts for one week plus one day per hit die of meat consumed. Turf rippers are popular arena beasts though they can not be trained, at least in large form.

Name Wall Breaker
No. Enc. 1 (1)
Alignment Chaotic
Movement 300' (100')
AC -6
HD 500
Attacks 1 (tail)
Damage 8d8+30
Save F21
Morale 12
Hoard Class XVI

Wall Breaker is a kaiju snake that fell into Eclipse several centuries ago and finds escape all consuming. It is intelligent but rarely communicates with tiny creatures such as humans. It uses its tail to shatter all obsticles in its path and earned its name when it broke into a city that was in its path when it was young (only 500' long). Now Wall Breaker swims in the lava lakes of the Steppes and eats ice pits and fire elementals (it is immune to heat and cold attacks). Anyone attempting to help Wall Breaker escape will gain the wrath of Haiel for it was he who drove the snake out of Wildwood in the first place.

Some DMs may want to add a breath weapon or some other ranged attack to replicate the kaiju feel of Wall Breaker.
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10/22/2010 4:54:39 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name Ant-Cow, Cow
No. Enc. 3d8 (0)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 120' (40')
AC 7
HD 3
Attacks none
Damage none
Save F1
Morale 2
Hoard Class none

Name Ant-Cow, Ant
No. Enc. swarm
Alignment Neutral
Movement 30' (10')
AC 3
HD 10
Attacks contact
Damage 3d6
Save F2
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Ant-cows are sneaky predators found in Arena, Eclipse and Penance. They take the appearance of local cattle and thus endanger ranchers as well as other predators. If an ant-cow is injured, it turns into a swarm of ants and then consumes all animal matter within the immediate vicinity before changing back. There are enough ant-cows that some predators have given up eating cattle entirely. Other, more intelligent creatures, hurt cattle from a distance to ensure they don't end up being food.

Name Sky Fly
No. Enc. d8 (6d12)
Alignment Lawful
Movement 90' (30')
fly 180' (60')
AC 6
HD 3
Attacks 1 (weapon)
Damage weapon
Save T3
Morale 7
Hoard Class VI, XI

Sky flies are fly people found far above the ground all over the Forge. They use alchemy to turn sunlight into a glass like substance. Yellow glass floats and is used to make their homes that site between 2 and 10 miles up. Red glass is tougher and used for tools and weapons. Red glass can be enchanted for 75% of the normal cost. Sky flies are found on the ground on a regular basis as they trade red glass for gems and reagents they need for their alchemy.

Name Fleshwarper
No. Enc. d4 (3d8)
Alignment Lawful
Movement 60' (20')
swim 90' (30')
AC 3 or armor
HD 8
Attacks 1 or 1 or 1 (touch or weapon or spell)
Damage 3d6 or weapon or spell
Save F8
Morale 11
Hoard Class XVI

Fleshwarpers are semi-upright crabs that use other lifeforms as raw materials for their biotechnology. They are found in and near freshwater and dig chambers in the earth similar to some crayfish species. Each casts spells as a 5th level magic user and use polymorph other three times per day, though this has a casting time of 4 hours. Instead of turning one creature into another, the result is a magic item made of flesh (or vegetation). The maximum power for these items relates to the creature used to make them. Every hit die is equal to 500 gold pieces. In combat fleshwarpers prefer to use weapons rather than their flesh ripping touch as the latter disrupts the process of magic item creation (halve the creature's value even if it is struck once). Different fleshwarper communities have different ideas on what is acceptable as raw materials. Some don't mind adding humanoids to their gear and other restrict themselves to plants. Just having a fleshwarper community nearby makes most people a little twitchy if nothing else for the appearance of the items the crabs create.
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10/23/2010 4:46:17 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Any comments on my creations so far?

Name Dark Cloner
No. Enc. 1 (1)
Alignment Chaotic
Movement 150' (50')
AC 4
HD 6
Attacks 1 (touch)
Damage special
Save F6
Morale 10
Hoard Class special

Dark cloners are undead created when a soul-less clone is slain by a life draining undead creature and are typically found in Eclipse and the under city of Penance. Any intelligent (Int 3+) a dark cloner touches must save versus spells. Those failing the save slough off an undead version of themselves that is under control of the cloner and the victim loses one level. This happens every time the cloner makes contact. The resulting undead's type is dependant on the power of the victim. Each hit die or level is equal to the hit dice of the resulting undead. For example, a 4th level fighter spawns a ghast and a 12th level magic user spawns a lich. Typically a dark cloner has 3d10 undead of various power under its domination. It uses them to collect more people to clone as well as to reproduce their own kind from the bodies of victims who were drained to first level (usually ghouls or wights). The vampires of Eclipse don't like dark cloners because of their armies of dominated undead that compete with them for food. This keeps the cloner population low and adds another thorn in the side of the vampires of Stygia.
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10/24/2010 3:27:41 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name Crimson Sparrow
No. Enc. d4 (d8)
Alignment Neutral
Movement fly 90' (30')
AC 5
HD 1/2
Attacks 1 (peck)
Damage 1
Save F0
Morale 2
Hoard Class none

Name Scarlet Hawk
No. Enc. d4 (d4)
Alignment Neutral
Movement fly 240' (80')
AC 3
HD 6
Attacks 3 (claws and peck)
Damage d4/d4/d8
Save F4
Morale 7
Hoard Class XII, XIII

Scarlet hawks are large predatory birds, even larger than giant eagles. They prey on anything smaller than themselves, including humans and other humanoids. They are found near cities in Anvil, Arena and Penance. The reason they are found near cities is their method of reproduction. Hatchlings are crimson sparrows, birds that are so rare that they are highly desired as pets. They are also violent predators of rodents and other small animals and this caters to the tastes of some wealthy. After ten years as a sparrow, the bird teleports into the nearby wilderness and transforms. It is because of this that no one has made the connection between the sparrows and their parents. Scarlet hawks lair in large trees or ruined buildings but change location often because of the build up of corpses. When they lay their eggs, the females teleport them into impressive inhabited buildings, thus increasing the mystery of the crimson sparrows.
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10/24/2010 3:32:32 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Crossposted from the rpg.net thread, a creature I think works well for the mushroom forest of Eclipse.

Name Black Vein
No. Enc. d4 (d8)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 60' (20')
fly 180' (60')
AC 2
HD 15
Attacks 2 or 1 (claws or breath weapon)
Damage d8+1/d8+1
Save F15
Morale 10
Hoard Class XV

Habitat Any except Underwater
% Sleep 10%
% Speech 25%
Breath Weapon Range/Shape 80' long by 30' wide/ Cone
Breath Weapon Type Spore Blast
Spells 1 2 3
4 2 -

Black veins are massive dragons that feed on the everpresent fungal spores found in the air. They are dull white with large veins of black covering their heads, torsos and wings. Instead of a mouth, they have large pores covering the bottom half of their face. These are used to inhale their food as well as exhale the altered spores that make up their breath weapon. Anything killed by the altered spores becomes a fungal mass that releases yet more toxic spores (though only for 24 hours). Any living creature coming within 50' of an active mass must save versus poison or suffer 3d12 points of damage. This save must be made every round the creature is within the spore cloud. And those that die from these spores rot away in a few minutes.

If well fed, black veins can be very powerful, if reluctant, allies. They lair underground and the humdity and spore content makes breathing difficult for most living creatures. Those failing a save versus poison die of suffocation. The exception in most lairs is a single chamber meant to allow surface dwellers to communicate with the veins. Getting the dragons to leave their lairs is difficult. New kinds of fungi or alchemy to provide new "tastes" are pretty much the only way to do so. When roused, black veins can be horrific opponents as they prefer to capture opponents rather than kill them and drag them down into the lair as fertilizer (some GMs might want to use the subdual rules on those the dragons attack). Apparently living flesh provides a different taste from dead flesh. Those that can use magic do so to confuse and immoblize enemies rather than make a kill.

The one thing that makes them so dangerous is that black veins can be found just about anywhere and will ally with just about anyone. They don't like cold conditions but their lairs can be heated. They don't like dry conditions yet their lairs are always humid. A group of adventurers can attack an orc tribe in the middle of a mountain range and suddenly find themselves under attack from their dragon ally.
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10/24/2010 5:03:11 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name Mushroom Lord
No. Enc. d4 (d20)
Alignment Lawful
Movement 60' (20')
AC 2
HD 18
Attacks 1 or 1 (cap slam or acid spores)
Damage 4d6 or 3d4
Save F18
Morale 11
Hoard Class incidental

Mushroom lords are protectors of the mushroom forest of Eclipse. Some compare them with treants but this analogy isn't apt. Mushroom lords are predators and prey on the werran and travelers on a regular basis. They tie into the mycelium mat that makes up the basis of the forest and can induce the nearby mushroom trees to release clouds of spores. A single lord can do this with every mushroom within 500' or line of sight, whichever is shorter. These spore clouds hide the actions of the lord as well as confuse prey, allowing the lord to make an easy kill. They are also flammable but only to high temperatures. In other words, a torch won't set them off but a fireball spell will. If ignited, the spores triple the damage that would have been inflicted and increases the area of effect to the whole cloud. In combat mushroom lords use their caps to smash prey into small, edible parts. If they are harmed with fire or lose more than half their hit points, a lord can release a cloud of acidic spores. The cloud is 50' in diameter, does 3d4 points of damage per round and lasts for 10 rounds. There is no save for creatures but they can save versus poison to keep their gear from melting (save for every item). This acid tends to kill the mushroom trees and makes creatures inedible to the lord (they can't ingest the acid safely) so they try not to use it often. As mushroom lords are found deep in the forest, the loggers of highmark are only starting to "interact" with them. Werran trying to keep the loggers at bay have been known to trick adventurers protecting the loggers into fighting lords. It doesn't matter who wins because both are enemies to the werran tribes.
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10/25/2010 4:42:27 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name Giant Sporling
No. Enc. d6 (0)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 150' (50')
AC 6
HD 12
Attacks 2 (slams)
Damage d8/d8
Save F6
Morale 10
Hoard Class none

Sporlings are common fungal creatures in the mushroom forest of eclipse. There are many different species, most of them harmless to humans. Giant sporlings are the largest at two tons and will prey on animals if there are not smaller sporlings around. They look like headless, hairless bats because of their elongated forelimbs. These limbs act as wiskers or antennae as the creature is blind and almost deaf. When its legs touch something edible, they are used to spear it. Slain prey is consumed by mycelium fibers extruded from the sporling's body.

Name Icefish
No. Enc. 3d6 (0)
Alignment Neutral
Movement special 150' (50')
AC 4
HD 2
Attacks 1 (bite)
Damage d4 + special
Save T2
Morale 6
Hoard Class none

In the glaciers of the Vault there is an ecosystem unlike any other on the Forge. Creatures swim through the ice as if it was water. Most can not survive contact with air and so there is little interaction between airlife and icelife. Icefish are the most common animal found near the surface and are extremely dangerous. They can survive limited exposure to air (a turn) and if they hit on an 18+, they drag their prey down into the ice. Such victims start suffocating immediately and even if they slay the fish that grabbed them, they are stuck in the ice until something digs them out. Only those with powerful magic survive this. Many of the undead that wander the Vault have been dragged down by icefish and are still stuck in the ice after the fish died from contact.
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10/28/2010 4:18:04 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name River Popper
No. Enc. swarm
Alignment Neutral
Movement swim 60' (20')
AC 6
HD 4
Attacks contact
Damage d4
Save F1
Morale 5
Hoard Class none

Poppers are shrimp found throughout the Forge. They are so named because of the sound they make when roasted. River poppers are found in Wildwood, Penance and Arena and are by far the most popular. They are mildly dangerous to sein because of their hunting claws but as each is only 2" long, most people can survive a school attack easily. The reason river poppers are so popular for eating is that their flesh contains a mild narcotic. As people eat them, they build this narcotic up in their flesh. Eventually monsters can sense this and will attack those with the highest drug content in their system.

Name Caravan Golem
No. Enc. d8 (d8)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 240' (80')
AC 2
HD 25
Attacks 4 (light rays)
Damage special
Save F21
Morale 12
Hoard Class cargo

This kind of caravan golem is used exclusively in Eclipse. It is a self moving cart 50' long by 10' wide by 15' high. The golem can carry between 25 and 100 tons of cargo, the higher the amount, the more expensive the golem. The people who accompany the golems usually stay on the roof and most caravans have an additional golem to carry horses and feed for the guards. Each golem has four gargoyles, one at each corner. If attacked, the golem uses the gargoyles to produce beams of light 5' wide by 20' long. The light stun werran and the pale (ie people adapted to the dark) unless a save versus spells is made and acts like sunlight to undead, including vampires. Guards then dispatch any that still attempt to attack the caravan. Stygia hates these constructs and tries to have their creators assassinated as soon as they can be identified. Highmark is the number one source of caravan golem creation and it looks like that won't change for the near future.
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10/28/2010 3:59:47 PM

Greg Dent
Greg Dent
Posts: 195
These are pretty cool. Are these free to use, or are they your intellectual property? (or some combination thereof)
Antcow? You may have had too many poppers, my friend.

President, Epidemic Books
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10/29/2010 4:26:23 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Free to use how?

Ant-cows are one of several multimorphs (a bad term for creatures that have a swarm as a secondary form). The first one that I came up with was a swarm of rats that hides in the form of conifers. If you want to read really freaky monsters, you should look at Skirmisher's forum.

Name Monolith
No. Enc. 0 (4d4)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 30' (10')
AC 0
HD 30
Attacks 1 (slam)
Damage 2d6+20
Save F15
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Monoliths are guardians of highly magical locations throughout the Forge. They were not placed by the Black Flock but rather by wizards and druids down through the millenia. At rest, they look like rectangular blocks set upright that may or may not have sigils. When someone attempts to tap the magic without saying the password, the monoliths animate, grow legs and arms and attack. Once the offender is beaten to death or runs away, the monoliths return to their resting spots. Monoliths are immune to spells and to damage them requires mundane weapons. Magical weapons simply bounce off of their exteriors.
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10/30/2010 4:31:05 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name Reaper
No. Enc. d10 (d10)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 150' (50')
fly 270' (90')
AC 4
HD 8
Attacks 1 (bite)
Damage 3d6
Save F8
Morale 8
Hoard Class XIV

Reapers are giant intelligent beetles that prey on monstrous plants, including thorns. They live in burrows in Penance and Wildwood for generations, slowly accumulating treasure they care little for. Reapers are green with brown markings and 18' long. The require the magical essence that makes monstrous plants different from mundane species. Their size prevents them from consuming magical herbs except in times of starvation. Reaper grubs are carnivores but consume small mammals drawn to the nest by powerful odors. Reapers have little interest in animal life otherwise but will trade some of their treasure for locations and samples of magical plants.

Name Light Shrimp Tree
No. Enc. 0 (4d6)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 0'
AC 2
HD 36
Attacks 1 (aura of heat)
Damage 8d8
Save F18
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Light shrimp trees are not plants or animals, but rather alien life drawn from a world of aberrations. They are 500' tall and just as wide. At the end of their many limbs, there are globes of very toxic liquid with tiny creatures. These shrimp capture strands of light and stuff them into the tree's limb. Anyone breaking a globe causes the shrimp to die and a cloud of poison forms. It is 10' in diameter and everything in it, including plants, elementals and undead, must save versus poison or die. If the tree has to defend itself, as its flesh is not nearly as toxic as the liquid, it can emit a field of heat to 50'. Everything in that aura, which lasts until the tree shuts it off, takes 8d8 points of fire damage, save versus spells for half. Light shrimp trees can not tolerate shade so that are found in Anvil, the Kiln, on the plain of Penance and are rare few are in the Vault.

Name Malignant Land
No. Enc. 0 (1)
Alignment Chaotic
Movement 0'
AC 9
HD 500+
Attacks special
Damage special
Save F21
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Over the hundreds of thousands or millions of years the Forge has been in existence, it has been exposed to a great deal of positive and negative energy. In both cases after the amount reaches a critical amount, the result is a warping of the soil and rock. The land gains an insane intelligence that desires to slay all that tread it. A malignant land can be anywhere from 1/2 to 100 square miles depends on how the energy was used and its placement. Any intelligent creature that walks on malignant land must save versus death or be drawn down into the soil or rock and slain in three rounds. Saving such a person requires powerful magic or technology. Because it can only tell the intelligence of those in contact with it, the land ignores mundane mounts such as kith and horses. Malignant lands either repel or attract undead depending on the energy that created them (and undead are usually consumed). When they gain intelligence, their lifepan clock starts. Every month the land loses a hit die as the energy is used or escapes. When the land is reduced to zero hit dice, it "dies" and the land returns to normal.
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10/31/2010 3:14:46 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Generic golems that can be used in OB.

Name Hunter Flesh Golem
No. Enc. 1 (1)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 300' (100')
AC 3
HD 15
Attacks 3 (claws and bite)
Damage d6/d6/d12 +2d6
Save F8
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Hunter flesh golems are made from tiger corpses. The addition of electric eel, shark and eagle organs provide a stunning attack and enhanced senses. It can see five miles with its eagle eyes, sense animal life within in 100' with its electrical sense and adds 2d6 points of electrical damage to all of its attacks. Hunters are used proactively and kill or capture selected targets. If they are to capture someone, the hunter can alter the electric shock to not cause damage but rather stun the target for d4 hours, save versus spells to negate.

Name Guardian Fles Golem
No. Enc. 1 (d6)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 120' (40') climb 90' (30')
AC -2
HD 12
Attacks 2 (paws)
Damage 3d6/3d6
Save F6
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Made from the bodies of carnivorous apes, guardian flesh golems usually hide in trees, on roofs or other high vantage points in their protected area. They have metal plates bolted to the skin and purple worm sense organs allow them to detect motion (ie tremorsense) within 50'. Guardians are strong enough that they tend to grapple or throw human sized opponents (d6 X 10' on flat surfaces, falling damage applies).

Name Sea Stalker Flesh Golem
No. Enc. 1 (1)
Alignment Neutral
Movement swim 240' (80')
AC 5
HD 45
Attacks 1 or 1 (bite or tail)
Damage 4d8 + swallow or 5d12
Save F21
Morale 12
Hoard Class XVI in gut

Sea stalker flesh golems are made from whale carcasses and brains from many species. They are created to capture or kill those in the ocean or a lake and use their intelligence to great advantage (Int 15). If commanded to do so, they can do no damage with their bite attack and will swallow on a 12+, rather than an 18+ with a normal bite attack. Swallowed creatures take no damage but need +3 weapons to cut themselves out. Sea stalkers are so named because of how they hunt. As they have no need for air, the golems can follow deep under the surface and then attack from below when the quarry is least observant (usually at night).

Name Sky Stalker Flesh Golem
No. Enc. 1 (1)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 90' (30') fly 360' (120')
AC 3
HD 25
Attacks 1 or 1 (bite or tail slap)
Damage 2d4 or 3d6
Save F13
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Sky stalker flesh golems are made from giant snakes with a dozen pairs of giant eagle wings. They use their ability to sense heat, as well as scents, to find their targets. Their creators usually add a paralytic toxin to their teeth to assist in capturing the quarry. They can not constrict because of the wings but the tail slap makes up for this. When a target is captured or slain, it is swallowed and transported back to the golem's master.

Name Wall Breaker Flesh Golem
No. Enc. 1 (1)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 90' (30')
AC 6
HD 50
Attacks 1 (slam and crush)
Damage 6d8
Save F21
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Wall breakers are masses of muscle tissue and little else. They are not blobs and most have their body plans modeled after molluscs. They roll over and crush their master's opponents though many are used in sieges as they can break down all non-magical barriers with ease (and bracing).

Name Phantom Flesh Golem
No. Enc. 1 (1)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 360' (120')
AC 3
HD 6
Attacks 1 (bite)
Damage 3d4 plus special
Save F3
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Phantom flesh golems are oddities as they are meant to be used once, as assassins. They are made from blink dog corpses. Once given a scent, they will track a target until they find it, using their ability to teleport short distances to move much faster than they did in life. Once the target has been found, the golem grabs with its bite and teleports into the closest large object, slaying itself and its target. If the target saves versus spells, the teleportation is negated for that round and the phantom can try again the next round.
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11/1/2010 3:58:26 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name Watcher Flesh Golem and Seeker Flesh Golem
No. Enc. 0 (d4)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 10' (3') fly 120' (40')
AC 7
HD 2
Attacks none
Damage none
Save F1
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Watcher and seeker flesh golems are made from parrots and the brains of illithids. Watchers use their telepathy to scan their master's home or lab for intruders and can detect anything with a mind, even undead and those shielded with magics less than 8th level. Seekers telepathically latch on to a specific creature and follows its status and location until ordered otherwise. In both cases, the golems use speach to relay their results.

Name Trapper Flesh Golem
No. Enc. d4 (d4)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 150' (50') climb 90' (30')
AC 5
HD 6
Attacks 1 or 1 (bite or silk)
Damage d6 or special
Save L3
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Trapper flesh golems are made from monkey or giant squirrel carcasses and giant spider silk glands. They have two functions. The first is to use their silk to produce and repair traps. The second is to deal with intruders personally and envelope them in silk. Their silk glands can be fired to 30' three times per day and produce a web 15' in diameter. Everything in the web must save versus wands or be trapped. Trapper silk is much tougher than natural silk and only those with fire giant strength (22) can break it. It is flammable but burns much hotter than natural silk, inflicting 3d6 points of damage per round for 2d4 rounds.
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11/4/2010 3:58:14 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
So how do you want to use them, Greg?

Here are a couple Mutant Future critters I think would work well for OB.

Name Tree Hopper
No. Enc. d8 (3d10)
Alignment Lawful
Movement climb 120' (40')
AC armor
HD 6
Attacks 1 (weapon)
Damage weapon
Save L6
Morale 8
Hoard Class VII, XII, XVI

Tree hoppers are humans who live vertically. In fact if forced onto a horizontal surface, a tree hopper will become dizzy and ill. They normally live in forests and only rarely are found in ruins. Tree hoppers earned their name because they can leap 50' in any direction (remember they don't have a down except to the surface they are standing on). Tree hoppers are a formidable force because they are energy magnets. Any energy attack made within or passing within 20' of a tree hopper is absorbed and negated. Strangely ruin dwelling hoppers tend to explode after this but not their forest dwelling kin.

Mutations: long step, special

Name Constellation Tree
No. Enc. 0 (d6)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 0'
AC 5
HD 12
Attacks 20-50
Damage special
Save L6
Morale 12
Hoard Class XVI

These plants are so called because they do not have leaves, but rather bubbles or clouds of photosynthesizing cells floating around them. There are 20-50 such clouds, each 1-10' in diameter. They are moved throughout the day to get the most light and there are hollows in the tree where they stay during the night. They clouds are also used to engulf and drown those annoying the tree, the range for this is 50'. As they can be a bit twitchy (and who can blame them), the trees have been known to attack passing travelers for no reason.

Mutations: animate object
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11/7/2010 7:23:29 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name Deathstar Ooze
No. Enc. 1 (0)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 60' (20')
AC 6
HD 10
Attacks 10 (deathstars)
Damage d10 +2d6 shock per attack
Save F5
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Deathstar oozes are found in Eclipse, Anvil and the Gloomskein. They have hundreds to thousands of cysts, each containing a metal sphere highly charged with electricity. In combat, the oozes can fire up to 10 of the spheres per round. The range is 100' and each attack can be aimed seperately (ie up to 10 targets). As they require lots of metal, deathstars consume their used spheres as well as any metal objects they come across. Metal magical items are likewise used and may have an impact on the firepower the ooze uses...
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11/11/2010 4:41:50 PM

Greg Dent
Greg Dent
Posts: 195
I guess I was wondering about the copyright if any on the stuff you are posting here. Can we incorporate these ideas into future products, or would you want some sort of compensation... in which case they'd need to be converted to pathfinder and fleshed out.

President, Epidemic Books
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11/13/2010 6:44:34 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
As long as I get listed on the credits page, you can have them. It may seem obvious but I was burned by another publisher- gave him all the ideas in a product and didn't even get a comp copy much less credit.

And a new critter to make players' lives miserable

Name Deathhorn Kelp
No. Enc. 0 (1)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 0'
AC 6
HD 3
Attacks special
Damage special
Save L1
Morale 12
Hoard Class XII, XIII

A very rare plant found in the oceans' depth, deathhorn is a hazard to all vertebrates. Those that come into contact with the plant must save versus poison or have their skeletons start warping and growing. It was named after the boney spines that occasionally rip out of the flesh of the victims' head just before they drop dead. Each round the victims take d6 points of damage. Every other round, the victim loses one point of dexterity. A drop to zero of either value will kill and the resulting body is warped beyond recognition. To use it as a weapon is easy as the substance the kelp produces can be harvested without killing the kelp and 10-20 doses can be taken every six months.
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