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6/8/2012 4:14:16 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name Shatter Vine
No. Enc. 0 (d10)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 0'
AC 7
HD 3
Attacks 1 (spit)
Damage special
Save F3
Morale 12
Hoard Class VII

Name Sand (or Doppel) Oak
No. Enc. 0 (1)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 0'
AC 4
HD 12
Attacks special
Damage special
Save F6
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Some of Haiel's plant creations are meant to kill by bypassing the usual resistances or immunities. Shatter vines and sand oaks are typically found together and work in harmony to slaughter anyone that wanders near them. Shatter vines spit a chemical that makes flesh burn and metal freeze. The range for the spit is 25' and the plant must make an attack roll (it has no penalty for spitting in dark conditions). Those hit take 3d6 points of acid damage and 3d6 points of cold damage. There is no save. Metal objects (such as armor) subjected to this cold damage weaken and will shatter if they take more than 40 points. Sand oaks are immune to acid, cold and fire damage. They are short, squat trees that can change their appearance to hide as other tree species. When something comes within 30' of a sand oak, the tree creates a darkness field 60' in diameter and small, random patches of quicksand in the soil surrounding it. Every round a character or creature is within the darkness field, it must make a DEX check or save versus breath weapon or fall prone. Those who do fall are attacked by roots in the sand. The tree has a +6 to hit prone creatures and entangles them with a strength of 22. The oak then waits to the vines to finish off the held creatures before dropping the darkness field.

An oddity of both plant species is their reaction to green dragon blood. A gallon dropped at their roots gives both of them +5 hit dice, 40 hit points and regeneration 5 for 24 hours. Seeds in the soil sprout when doused with green dragon blood and grow to full size within a turn (10 minutes). Another dousing is needed to provide the additional benefits. Thorns and druids that use these plants as weapons keep some blood on hand to enhance their combat abilities.
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6/9/2012 3:52:04 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name Stone Yak
No. Enc. d10 (0)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 90' (30') climb 60' (20')
AC 3
HD 4
Attacks 1 (horns)
Damage d8
Save F2
Morale 5
Hoard Class none

Name Dagger Tree
No. Enc. 0 (d20)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 0'
AC 2
HD 15
Attacks contact
Damage 3d6
Save F0
Morale 12
Hoard Class VI

A very common animal in Anvil, stone yaks hahave an earth elemental bloodline. This provides them with a rock hard hide, the ability to supplement their plant and lichen diet with stone and the ability to stick to mountain sides. Even dead yaks won't fall. The hide of a stone yak is hard to work but to the right armorer, it is worth 150 gp and can be used to make a few different kinds of armor (treat as metal armor with a 1 or 2 point penalty to AC).

Dagger trees are an increasing part of the stone yak diet as the animals are helping spread their seeds. The plants also part earth elemental. The branches of a dagger tree are razor sharp and only earth elemental creatures and those monsters with an armor class less than 0 can consume (or even touch) them safely. The tree's flowers are bright yellow and soft enough to not shred pollinating insects (the few that are found high in the mountains). Genasi and other earth elemental kin use the trees to make blades, thus the name.
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6/12/2012 3:58:18 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name Sharp Ear
No. Enc. d4 (0)
Alignment Chaotic
Movement 150' (50')
AC 5
HD 5
Attacks 1 (bite)
Damage d4+4
Save F5
Morale 12
Hoard Class VI

Name Iron Claw
No. Enc. d6 (0)
Alignment Chaotic
Movement 120' (40')
AC 6
HD 6
Attacks 2 (claws)
Damage d6+2/d6+2
Save F6
Morale 12
Hoard Class VI

Using a machete in Wildwood's jungles can prove costly to those lacking knowledge of the local flora. Some plants have toxins or corrosives in their sap and some lay curses on those that harm or slay them. On unnamed shrub has a slightly different tactic. It sprays sap in a 10' diameter area after being cut. Elves and humans in that area must save versus breath weapon to avoid the sap. Those who fail get covered in it and some of the sap gets into the blood stream. The sap itself draws insects for the next d4 hours (normal and giant species) but the real danger is something else entirely. If the affected person dies within a month of exposure, they transform into a ghastly aberration with warped features. The transformation takes but one minute. Elves turn sharp ears and use razor teeth to strip flesh from bone. Humans become iron claws and devour hearts and brains. Both attack only their original race unless harmed first. Even then, they only eat the flesh of their original race. If they are slain and then brought back to life, they return as the aberrations not their original selves. It takes a wish or similar magic to undo the curse.
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7/10/2012 5:41:59 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
A blast from the past. Dragon 59 has in the article Make Monsters, Not Monstrosities, the starkhorn. It is a rolypoly predator that captures prey with telekinesis. The larger the pack, the larger the prey. And as each 'horn is the size of a wolf, their prey can get very large indeed.
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7/15/2012 3:37:57 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name Sludge Beast
No. Enc. d4 (0)
Alignment Neutral
Movement fly windspeed or fly 90' (30')
AC 5
HD 180
Attacks contact
Damage 4d4+12
Save F21
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Name Muck Bat
No. Enc. d12 (10d12)
Alignment Neutral
Movement fly windspeed + 180' (60')
AC 6
HD 2
Attacks 1 (bite)
Damage d4
Save F1
Morale 4
Hoard Class none

A few of the many types of clouds on the Forge are made by creatures as ways to hide and/or hunt. Sludge beasts are common in Eclipse, hiding in the ever present mists, and rare everywhere else north of the Vault. They are tangles of tendrils as the beasts are actually carnivorous plants that can be as large as 200' in diameter. A sludge cloud is brown and its rain is a (non-toxic) thick, muddy goo- the waste product of the beast and its flocks of avians. The beast is both home and predator of these flying creatures. If a sludge beast has few or no avians, when it hungers, it will decend and feed on ground dwelling creatures and plants. Some areas of the mushroom forest are heavily grazed until druids introduce new flocks to the starving beasts.

Muck bats are among the most common types of avians found on the sludge beasts in Eclipse (and no where else). They are bloated with gas that makes them explosive and gives their bite a mild toxin (d8/0). If exposed to flames, the bats automatically detonate and cause d8 points of damage to 10', save versus breath weapons to avoid damage completely. Each bat is about the size of an eagle, have cutting teeth and can haul 5 pounds of meat back to its sludge beast after a successful hunt. Unlike most flying creatures, muck bats can take advantage of the wind (what little there is in Eclipse) and fly faster with its assistance. This even applies if they are heading upwind as the bats can tack like a sailing ship. In fact, they could be called sky sailors rather than fliers as they use their gas filled guts to stay afloat and their wings to get around.

Name Nemamiah's Tears
No. Enc. d8 (0)
Alignment Neutral
Movement fly windspeed
AC 3
HD 150
Attacks special (cloud)
Damage 8d4 negative energy + 3d6 cold
Save F21
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Name Icicle
No. Enc. 3d4 (10d10)
Alignment Neutral
Movement fly 360' (120')
AC 7
HD 3
Attacks 1 (slam)
Damage d10
Save F2
Morale 9
Hoard Class none

Another cloud builder, Nemamiah's Tears are massive black crystals that slowly evaporate, forming white clouds. They feed on the negative energy that taint the Vault and float a mile or so above the surface. Any living creature entering the cloud suffers both cold and negative energy damage once per minute (save versus death for half negative only). As the crystals do need flesh and blood to heal, grow and reproduce, they occasionally form and release 6' long flying icicles. These icicles are powered by negative energy and can be turned, but not destroyed, as if they were ghasts. Those slain by the icicles, but not entirely consumed, rise as death mists (treat as shadows that drain dexterity rather than strength and are immune to the effects of sunlight). The Tears are filled with so much negative energy that clerics can not turn them, no matter their level.
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7/15/2012 6:32:51 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Tide Dragon

No. Enc. d4 (d8)
Alignment Lawful
Movement 90' (30')
swim 180' (60')
AC 4
HD 9
Attacks 3
Damage d6/d6/2d8
Save F9
Morale 4
Hoard Class XXV

Habitat Shallow ocean
% Sleep 5%
% Speech 100%
Breath Weapon Range/Shape 90' long X 30' wide cone
Breath Weapon Type special
Spells 1 2 3 4
5 5 4 3

Tide dragons lair where the land is exposed to the air for part of the day. They are the size of blues and have blue-green scales. Their feet are large and webbed but are not very strong (i.e they have low claw damage). They have no wings but their tail is prehensile and very dextrous and is used in place of hands. Tide dragons can breathe both air and water. Some prefer to sleep at high tide and others at low- it all depends on where its supplicants come from. Their breath weapon animates 1 object per age catagory per use. These objects are permanently animated, have an animal level of intelligence and obey the dragon until they break.

Tide dragons are highly magical and can cast 4th level spells, unlike most dragon races. It is their specialty, golem creation, that draws wizards from around the world. They come with gifts and hope to learn the secrets of crafting golems or improvements on their forms. Few pass the tests the tide dragons provide, but only the annoying are eaten.

Tide dragon lairs are carved from rock or coral and sit beyond the shore of high tide. The do have hoards but the coins do not stay long. The dragon spends its money on art (usually stone statues to act as models), magic and raw materials for golem creation. Its existing golems (and occasional animated object) bring up wealth from the depths and supplicants usually pay by the cartfull of coins so the dragon is rarely without some coin based bedding.

In addition to amber, bone and wood golems (LL p. 78), tide dragons make a huge variety of constructs. Here are but a few examples.

Name Kelp Golem
No. Enc. 0 (1)
Alignment Neutral
Movement swim 90' (30')
AC 8
HD 10
Attacks 1 (leaf)
Damage d8 + grapple
Save F5
Morale 12
Hoard Class special

Kelp golems are handy defensive constructs in that they can hide easily (suprise on 1-7 on d8) and can capture rather than kill. Ogre-sized and smaller creatures struck by a kelp golem are automatically grappled and the golem can then do lethal or non-lethal damage to its victim. Only those with natural weapons or knive-sized weapons can defend themselves against kelp golems while grappled. Most tide dragons have their kelp golems bring in unconcious intruders to make their own decision on their fates.

Name Sharkflesh Golem
No. Enc. 1 (1)
Alignment Neutral
Movement swim 240' (80')
AC 5
HD 15
Attacks 1 (bite)
Damage d4 + swallow whole
Save F8
Morale 12
Hoard Class special

Sharkflesh golems are rare creations of tide dragons and are more likely controlled by other races. They are not meant to kill, but rather capture a specific person or creature or group. A sample of blood is needed and the golem can smell the targets from 250 miles away. As sharkflesh golems are the size of small whales (45' long), they can swallow a few dozen human sized creatures at one time. Those swallowed must save versus spells or be paralyzed until disgorged (and those paralyzed do not have to worry about breathing until they get out). The save must be made every round until it is failed or the creature escapes. The inner lining of the golem is AC 5 and it takes 50 hit points to cut a way out. The damage is usually repaired by the golem's creator after it returns. It takes scores of sharks to make a sharkflesh golem and sahuagin (or marine druids) will hunt down those responsible for the deaths of so many predators.

Name Shell Golem
No. Enc. 0 (1)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 60' (20')
AC 2
HD 8
Attacks 1 (slash)
Damage 3d6
Save F4
Morale 12
Hoard Class special

Shells are a very common marine resource and there are several forms of shell golems. These are massive humanoid or crab shaped constructs that use razor edged shells to slash creatures to death. Shell golems are not popular with tide dragons in tropical waters as they tend to collect corals, clams and sponges- too many of them eventually bore into the golem and destroy it. In colder waters, they make up the protective force in deeper waters to keep predators away from the dragon's lair and preying on its hatchlings and vistors.

Name Shipwood Golem
No. Enc. 4d4 (4d4)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 150' (50')
AC 6
HD 5
Attacks 1 (slam)
Damage 2d4
Save F3
Morale 12
Hoard Class special

Sunken ships are another common resource. Shipwood golems are magically reinforced and do not rot or crumble when exposed to air. They walk along the ocean bottom and can sense sunken ships by their wood to a range or 50 miles. They are the most common construct used for salvage and will take everything from a wreck back to their creator. Each has six arms and can haul 1000 pounds- so it takes several trips for all but the smallest wrecks. Shipwood golems are cheap because they are weak compared with other golem types. A tide dragon can have several groups of them searching over a very large territory (hundreds of square miles).
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9/29/2012 4:09:09 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name Fleeting Pond
No. Enc. 1 (0)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 180' (60')
AC -2
HD 10
Attacks 1 (engulf)
Damage special
Save F2
Morale 10
Hoard Class none

Fleeting ponds are schools of knife fish that use the spells Raise Water and Lower Water to move masses of water on land. The ponds are 50-100' in diameter and 20-50' high. The masses change shape as the fish move within them. Though the fish themselves are harmless, their water engulfs people, creatures and the landscape and living things may drown if the fish stop to feed or rest. Those engulfed find that the water has a skin with a strength of 14. Those weaker can not escape without assistance.

Fleeting pond reproduce when they encounter bodies of freshwater. The fish divide like oozes and then the new school takes some of the water with it. Wells, farm ponds and streams have been devastated by abundant ponds. Fortunately the fish are easy to kill with poisons, spells and traps. Those attempting to fish with axes and spears find the kill is much more difficult.

On the Forge, fleeting ponds are abundant in the northern parts of Penance, Wildwood and along the lake shores of Arena.

Name Stonefish
No. Enc. d12 (0)
Alignment Neutral
Movement swim 60' (20')
AC 0
HD 4
Attacks 1 (slam)
Damage 3d4+4
Save F3
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Only a few sages know that the marine stonefish and freshwater yellow jelly are the same species. A stonefish is all but a living mass of salt and aggressively hunts smaller creatures. When a stonefish enters freshwater, its 3' long body absorbs so much water, it expands to a 60' long, 25' wide mass of gelantinous goo, the harmless yellow jelly. People find the stonefish inedible, though a good source of salt, and the yellow jelly a pest that can block pipes and drive off desirable game and food fish (they are intimidated by the jelly's size).

On the Forge, stonefish are found in the Central Ocean and jellies in the swamps of Wildwood and rivers of Penance that lead into the Central Ocean. Only the falls of the City of Penance keep them from invading the Wellspring and thus the other oceans.
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10/1/2012 5:35:36 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Alarm Ooze
No. Enc. 0 (1)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 30' (10')
AC 5
HD 8
Attacks 1 (slam)
Damage 2d8
Save F4
Morale 12
Hoard Class VI

Eye Killer
No. Enc. 0 (1)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 90' (30') climb 60' (20')
AC 5
HD 8
Attacks 1 (slam)
Damage d6+3
Save F4
Morale 12
Hoard Class IV

On some parts of the Forge, these oozes are very popular guardians for towers, vaults, homes, etc. Both are 10-20' in diameter, 1/2" thick and are transparent. The alarm ooze sits quietly until something over 20 pounds steps on it. Then it makes a headache inducing screech and continues to do so until the pressure is removed. Those within 1000' will hear this scream and those within 50' must save versus paralysis or suffer a -2 to hit until the sound stops. If the ooze is attacked, it uses a powerful pseudopod to defend itself. The eye killer is typically found on walls and produces a blinding light when something comes within 30'. Those looking in its direction must save versus paralysis or be blinded for d4 turns (so 10-40 minutes). They can also defend themselves, though they are fast enough to escape if they are reduced to less than 5 hit points. As to reduce the chances they go feral and attempt to eat their masters, both kinds of oozes are vegetarians. Other creatures are used to eat corpses.
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10/11/2012 5:04:02 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Dancing Flame
No. Enc. 2d12 (0)
Alignment Lawful
Movement 240' (80')
AC 4
HD 5
Attacks 1 (slam)
Damage 2d4+3
Save F4
Morale 10
Hoard Class none

Creeping Flame
No. Enc. 3d6 (0)
Alignment Lawful
Movement 180' (60')
AC 5
HD 3
Attacks 1 (slam)
Damage d6+3
Save F2
Morale 10
Hoard Class none

Creatures, including normal animals, move between the planes all the time. The dancing and creeping flames are deer and foxes that migrated from the prime material plane to hell. After a few dozen generations, enough time for them to be warped by the energies of hell, a small population of each (and other animals) were sold be devils to the fire elemental prince of evil, Imix as the animals became immune to fire over those generations. It is there that Barbello discovered them. She pulled a few dozen of each and placed them on the border with Wildwood, as a way to irk Haiel. That was a mistake as the next time she paid attention, they had bred like rabbits and had destroyed a few villages on both sides of the border.

Dancing flames are devilish deer that are almost sapient (int 2) and quite devious. They are made of dull red flames now, though oddly they can not ignite anything but living and undead flesh. A community overrun by them will have smoldering corpses but the infrastructure and personal belonging will be untouched. When a dancing flame hits a living or undead creature, that creature must save versus death or ignite and suffer d4 points of damage per round for three rounds (this is not included in the damage listed). They were used as sport on the plane of fire. They bred fast enough and were dangerous enough to make hunting them a challenge for Imix's servants who enjoyed the hunt.

Creeping flames are foxes the size of large dogs. Imix used them to kill vermin and drive off intruders to his realms. They are made of dull yellow and orange flames and can only burn living and undead flesh. Their ignition damage is d6 points per round for three rounds. A rare subspecies made of blue flames does d12 points of ignition damage for four rounds. Though they do not breed as fast as dancing flames, creeping flames do produce at least a dozen kits per litter and this has allowed them to survive in the jungles of Wildwood.

Both animals have all the powers, immunities and resistances of devils (that includes 1/2 damage from cold based attacks). They can only harmed by +2 or better weapons and spells above 2nd level. They are devious and use intelligent tactics when dealing with real threats. Otherwise they are just as cruel as other devils and will kill normal animals out of spite.

Phantom Bull
No. Enc. 1 (0)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 180' (60')
AC 1
HD 8
Attacks 1 (gore)
Damage 3d4+4
Save F6
Morale 8
Hoard Class none

Phantom Ghoul
No. Enc. d8 (0)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 90' (30') bipedal 30' (10')
AC 2
HD 6
Attacks 1 (bite)
Damage d12
Save F5
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Israfel found a farming commune on the ethereal plane. These people had lived there for many generations and had used magic to breed their livestock to be adapted to the local conditions. She took a few of these animals and seeded them in the Forge's ethereal border. Strange things happened to them after they were exposed to the Bound God's energy.

Bulls can eat the mists of the plane and convert them to useful flesh and hides. They are grey and the size of rhinos. The farmers altered their cattle so that the bulls could reproduce on their own by budding. Instead of milk, they drank the bulls' blood (which is very different from normal blood, a gooey slime that tastes good). After being exposed to the Forge, the bulls gained almost complete immunity to magic (125%). Those who want to hunt them or ranch the bulls have to use non-magical methods.

Ghouls are reptiles that may have been crocodiles or monitors. They are semibipeds (ie they can stand on their hindlegs and walk slowly) and were used to consume hair, bones and offal from other livestock- the otherwise inedible or useless parts. After being exposed to the Forge, their mouths and teeth grew and now they can bite a human in half with little effort. They are still fairly docile and it takes a bit of effort to get one angry enough to attack. But then once they do, it is impossible to make them stop without magic or the death of the one who pestered or attacked them. Ghouls are much smarter than bulls but are still animals. In a few hundred generations near the Forge, they make become sapient.
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10/19/2012 5:04:46 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
No. Enc. d4 (3d4)
Alignment Neutral
Movement fly 150' (50')
AC 6
HD 2
Attacks 1 or 1 (bite or hypnotic pattern)
Damage d6 or hypnotic pattern
Save F2
Morale 5
Hoard Class special

Chess Orchid
No. Enc. 0 (2d6)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 0'
AC 9
HD 1/2
Attacks special
Damage special
Save F0
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Emi are beautiful crow like birds the size of hawks. Their feathers are reds and blues and their eyes are indigo, though few get to see these colors and live. Emi (singular and plural) are shapeshifting ambush predators that cultivate a variety of magical herbs. Their gardens are found high in the trees, mostly in Wildwood. The exact plants differ between emi colonies but they tend to be rare or even unique- bred by the emi for centuries. Emi are intelligent and can speak, but most prefer not to talk with their food. Their alternate form is that of a dull plant, the exact species dependant on the natural flora around the colony.

In one corner of Wildwood, the most desirable plant found only in emi gardens is the chess orchid. It animates four objects up to 50' away. The emi use it for defense and wizards and alchemists want it for work on dangerous experiments (usually through a wall of force). The objects to be animated have to be dusted with the plant's pollen and then moving the orchid's four leaves directs the objects as desired. The plant does not survive very well in the lab, usually 3-6 months before wilting and dying. Only spells over 6th level can keep it alive for longer. It has never been bred in captivity.
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10/23/2012 4:54:05 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
A way to cruelly punish a player for ruining the fun of the others is to use the sugar basilisk. Its gaze turns iron and steel (or leather or cloth or whatever the character has most of) into a form of sugar that anyone touching it is compelled to consume it. The PCs ends up eating his own equipment.
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11/3/2012 4:15:26 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name Vine Sprite (and Shadow Ivy)
No. Enc. 2d6 (5d20)
Alignment Chaotic
Movement fly 60' (20')
AC 3
HD 1/2
Attacks 1 (bite)
Damage d3
Save T2
Morale 6
Hoard Class XVI

Vine sprites are to shadow ivy what dryads are to oaks and are restricted to 600'. Shadow plants are those that grow using the energy from the plane of shadow in a similar manner to green plants using light. They are not found underground as they can not survive total darkness anymore than green plants. Shadow ivy is a species that is found in Wildwood and Eclipse and has spread to some cities in Anvil, Penance and Arena. It grows in rooms and basements with windows and other places in indirect light. Like most shadow plants it is immune to heat and cold based attacks and can regenerate 5 hit points per round as long as it is exposed to shadow. In complete darkness or bright light for more than 16 hours, the plant goes into hibernation and will die from a week long abscence of shadow. The vine sprite is a 1' tall humanoid with some beetle features- face, wings and antennae. As it is the spirit of the plant, it can inhabit and animate the ivy if it needs to (use goblin stats for the animated vine). The plant can even uproot and move around. Outside the vine, the little fairy uses magic to increase the amount of shadows. The sprite can cast Phantasmal Force, Darkness Globe and Light at will It is immune to mundane weapons (i.e. +1 or better is needed to harm it), fire, cold and lightning based attacks and can see perfectly in shadowy conditions. The sprite is vulnerable to light and takes dies if exposed to sunlight or spells such as sunray. If it knows light it coming, the fey can enter its vine in one round, no matter how far away the plant is.

Vine sprites are dangerous because of the large numbers they are found in. Whole buildings can be swallowed up and destroyed by the ivy within a matter of days if there is no one to cut it back and kill off the sprites that are trying to make it spread and grow. If left unchecked, a shadow ivy can reproduce by division once per week as long as it has the proper amount of light. Like most plants it needs soil, but the vine can get around this by shedding some of its leaves and allow its clone to grow in them. Fortunately it is also very tasty to some herbivores and makes good grazing in parts of Eclipse. In fact some people farm the vine for food (such as valcos) and others use it as an herb or spell component.
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12/3/2012 5:22:40 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
One uncommon form of herbalism found on the Forge involves magical creatures- as fertilizer. Their rotting blood and flesh twist the plants, providing them with new forms and magical abilities.

Name AnkleBiter
No. Enc. 0 (3d8)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 0'
AC 8
HD 1
Attacks 1 (grasp)
Damage d3 + grapple
Save F0
Morale 12
Hoard Class VI

Unlike most plants grown on magic critter carcasses, anklebiters do not have any value to an herbalist. They are created for defense only. Grown on the sap of thorns (plant people), these vines are 6-8' long and have thorns covered in a paralytic toxin. If the plant hits on an 18+, it wraps around the target and uses the thorns. Those failing their save (at -2) are paralyzed for 2d4 rounds, long enough for the vine to crush the life out of them (d8 per round). Corpses are usually removed by the gardners but occasionally coins and trinkets are left behind.

Name Scarlet Apple
No. Enc. 0 (4d6)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 0'
AC 8
HD 1+2
Attacks 1 (spray)
Damage special
Save F1
Morale 12
Hoard Class II

Grown with the hemolymph (blood) of the plague wasp (see upthread), scarlet apples are shrubs that have large transparent cysts. As these cysts fill with blood, they turn bright red and some mistake them for apples or other fruit. If the plant is roughly handled or harmed, one of the cysts breaks open and the blood forms a 20' diameter cloud. Those within the cloud must save versus poison or be blinded, weakened (-4 STR) and possibly diseased. Blindness and weakness last for 3d4 days. The whole plant can be used to filter blood and the stem and roots can be preserved to make medicine to treat blood disorders.

Name Skull Mold
No. Enc. 0 (1)
Alignment Neutral
Movement 0'
AC 9
HD 1/2
Attacks special
Damage special
Save F0
Morale 12
Hoard Class VI

In the undercity of Penance, herbalists are restricted to fungi and the occasional magical plant. Skull mold grows on the corpses of maze demons, slowly dissolving the body except the skull. If processed correctly, it is one of the most valuable substances in the city as consuming one dose allows a person to ignore anomalies (gravity, magic and time) for 24 hours. The danger of the mold is its spores. When the fungus reproduces, it makes a 50' diameter cloud by forcefully ejecting the spores. Those within the cloud find their bones start to melt and take 4d4 points of damage per round until they leave the cloud. A save versus poison halves the damage. Fortunately this happens only twice a year and for one day each time.

Name Hollow Grass
No. Enc. 0 (d8)
Alignment Neutral (evil)
Movement 0'
AC 9
HD 4
Attacks 1 (touch)
Damage special
Save F8
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Hollow grass is similar to bamboo except the spines and seed heads. It is grown on the blood of vampires and this gives the plant a slight malevolence. It brushes against those within 2' in an attempt to feed on their blood. What makes the grass valuable is its hunger for blood. Those with the most terrible diseases and many curses can allow the plant to feed. Those failing their save versus dead die and come back as zombies in d4 rounds. Those who make the save are cured of all diseases and most curses. The disease and/or curse is consumed by the plant. In the case of a disease, it is simply destroyed. In the case of a curse, the plant can be used as a material component in inflicting it upon another.
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5/23/2013 4:21:02 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
I have been posting these monsters at rpg.net. They are Echidna's children, new monsters she has created to destroy humanity (and their allies).

Name Sea Wolf
No. Enc. 2d4 (0)
Alignment CE
Movement swim 180' (60') fly 240' (80')
AC 4
HD 30
Attacks 1 or 1 or 1 (bite or tail or howl)
Damage 4d6 ot 5d6 or 4d12
Save L15
Morale 10
Hoard Class none

Sea wolves are large whales with the heads of wolves and wings of bats. They are the creatures that fishermen fear when going to far out to sea. Echina made them for Tethys to protect her secrets. When a ship is spotted, the wolves dive and come up around it. Some take to the air and howl, shattering wood and bone. The rest batter the ship until it sinks. Sea wolves only use their bite when eating drowning crewmen and other sea monsters. The howl of a sea wolf does damage to everything within 200', save versus spells for half.

Name Burning Shark
No. Enc. d8 (0)
Alignment NE
Movement swim 150' (50')
AC 2
HD 7
Attacks 1 (bite)
Damage 3d4
Save L4
Morale 9
Hoard Class none

Burning sharks have shells of chitons on their sides and the head of a viper. It is the other gift to Tethys, though they were created to enter shallow waters and kill humans at the will of the titan. The bite of the shark causes flesh and wood to ignite, even underwater. A creature bitten musty save versus poison or suffer d6 points of damage for 4 rounds, covered in ghastly green flames. Wooden objects bitten take d8 points of damage for 4 rounds, no save unless they are enchanted. Anything or one touching a burning victim can also ignite, but their flames die down when the victim's do. Creatures not made of flesh or wood are immune to the venom. Some people hunt these fish for their flesh and venom. The latter can be applied to metal arrow heads but only with great care. A mistake can cost a life or two.

Name Lake Ape
No. Enc. d6 (3d4)
Alignment N
Movement 60' (20') climb 90' (30') swim 150' (50')
AC 6
HD 2
Attacks 1 (bite)
Damage 2d4
Save L1
Morale 7
Hoard Class VII

Lake apes are actually monkeys with snapping turtle heads and frog skin. They are terrible pests for fishermen because their bite can shred nets and cut lines with ease. In fact their bite can rend armor. If a lake ape hits with a 20, the target's armor is damaged and is reduced by one point. Lake apes breathe air and lair in caves or burrows within the banks of the lakes and rivers they dwell in. Most have been known to collect shiny metal and rarely can one find a hoard of gold and silver in a lake ape hole (d6 X 100 for each).

Name City Frog
No. Enc. d4 (5d20)
Alignment N
Movement 150' (50')
AC 4
HD 1/2
Attacks 1 (special)
Damage special
Save L1
Morale 8
Hoard Class none

City frogs were created to plague the communities of humanity. They are 3" long frogs with cat legs and rat tails. As they have no teeth, their bite is harmless. Their ownly effective attack is a hairball that can be spit 1'. This may seem weak, but the hairball usually contains one or two lethal diseases. City frogs are commonly the source of new plagues as Echina renews their numbers, giving them new diseases to spread. People have been known to collect the frogs and use them as weapons against each other- something Echina was hoping for.

Name Forest Horse
No. Enc. d12+4 (0)
Alignment NE
Movement 210' (70') climb 120' (40') glide 150' (50')
AC 5
HD 8
Attacks 2 or special (claws or special)
Damage d8/d8 or special
Save L5
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Forest horses have bear legs and moth wings. The latter only allow it to glide, rather than fly. The massive wings have two eye spots each (so 8 total) and each eyespot has a gaze attack that can affect one creature per round. Those failing to make their saves versus spells suffer weakness and lose d4+1 points of strength per failed save. The range for this is 50'. Survivors regain their strength after 8 hours of rest. Forest horses are omnivores and eat those they come across as well as browse the undergrowth. A herd of them can destroy a small village and most people run when they have been sighted.

Name Forest Goat
No. Enc. 3d6 (0)
Alignment NE
Movement 150' (50')
AC 6
HD 3
Attacks 2 (bite and tail)
Damage d6/d4
Save L2
Morale 10
Hoard Class none

Forest goats have the heads of vultures and 5' long horse tails. They are scavengers that occasionally eat fresh meat. In addition to their bite, the goats can use their tails, which contain a will sapping venom. Those struck and fail their save lose d3 points of wisdom. The goats were created as companions to some of Echidna's more intelligent offspring, those who are spellcasters. They turned out to be too stupid to control and were released into the wilds.

Name Spiney Lizard
No. Enc. d8 (0)
Alignment N
Movement 90' (30')
AC 2
HD 15
Attacks 1 (tail)
Damage 2d8
Save L10
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Spiney lizards are anklyosaurs with crocodile heads and porcupine quills. Those hitting it with melee weapons less than 4' long take d8 points of damage, no save. The quills do not detach and embed themselves. Those struck by the animal's tail must save versus spells or be knocked very far away. In effect they are teleported d10 X d10 miles in a random direction and take 10d6 points of falling damage (in addition to the tail strike). The lizards were Echina's response to the death of some of her children by heroes. They kill most of their opponents and even those who survive tend to be scattered to the wind.

Name Rock Fish
No. Enc. 2d4 (3d6)
Alignment NE
Movement 180' (60') climb 120' (40')
AC 6
HD 2
Attacks 1 (rock)
Damage d6
Save L1
Morale 10
Hoard Class VI

These creatures are lung fish with the heads of ducks and the paws of monkeys. They are found in forests near rivers and lakes. They are pests that attack travelers on land and water. The fish grab a clump of soil, transform it into hard stone and throw it up to 100'. If attacked, they will climb trees and pelt their opponents from the branches. Rock fish eat aquatic vegetation and terrestrial fruit and nest/roost in the trees. Their eggs are considered fine eating by some people and a colony can have as many as a few hundred each spring.

Name Feeder Rat
No. Enc. 5d12 (10d12)
Alignment N
Movement 150' (50') fly 180' (60') swim 90' (30')
AC 8
HD 1/2
Attacks 1 (bite)
Damage d3
Save L0
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Feeder rats have sparrow wings and trout tails. They were created to be food for Echidna's other children. The creatures are extremely fecund and breed every 20-30 days, producing several dozen eggs per spawn. The eggs are hard and take 2 days to hatch. The hatchlings only take 2 weeks to reach adulthood. Most predators eat them in abundance but those who are not relatives suffer from doing so. Any creature not a child of Echidna loses d4 points of dexterity (or an increase to armor class for those without DEX scores), no save. The rats themselves are herbivores that can eat almost all kinds of vegetation, including toxic species. They live pretty much everywhere, from the depths of the ocean to mountain tops. If there are any pests on Mount Olympus, they are probably feeder rats.

Name Earth Shaker
No. Enc. d6 (3d4)
Alignment NE
Movement 30' (10') burrow 30' (10')
AC 5
HD 2
Attacks 1 or 1 (bite or shriek)
Damage d6 or special
Save L1
Morale 5
Hoard Class none

Like several of Echidna's other children, earth shakers were created to destroy humanity. They are foxes with mole paws and bat heads and burrow through the ground, searching for structures made of stone. When a shaker family finds one, they use shrieks to pulverize the stone. Each hour they use their calls, the part of the structure they are attacking loses 25% of its hit points. With enough time, they can make the largest castles and even cities crumble to dust. Fortunately for people, the shriek only affects stone and earth shakers are fairly easy to slay after they are dug up.

Name Snow Bear
No. Enc. d4 (d6)
Alignment NE
Movement 240' (80')
AC 4
HD 8
Attacks 3 (claws and bite)
Damage d6/d6/d8
Save L6
Morale 11
Hoard Class VII X5

Snow bears live on mountain tops during the warm months and come down to eat people after the first frost. They have chicken legs and fox heads. If all three of their attacks hit, the victim must save versus death or freeze solid. These people can be revived but it takes days of slow heating most do not survive the attempt (transformative shock with a -20% penalty). Normally the bears freeze a few people and then drag them off to a cave or hollow to feast. There people can find remains, including any treasure owned by former meals.

Name Snare Fish
No. Enc. 5d20 (0)
Alignment N
Movement swim 120' (40')
AC 6
HD 2
Attacks 1 or 1 (bite or spine)
Damage d4 or d4
Save L1
Morale 4
Hoard Class none

These children are carp with lamprey heads and spider spinnerets. They find boats, rafts and ships and use their silk to stick the vessels to each other, docks, boulders, etc. Large schools snare vessels so well that it can take a month to cut them free. People use bows, spears and explosives to kill them and a live snare fish is dangerous as it might (25%) have a disease it spreads through its bite as well as spreading fish slime disease with their spines (yes, this is a real disease).

Name Leaping Ape
No. Enc. d4 (2d6)
Alignment NE
Movement 90' (30') leap 150' (50')
AC 6
HD 4
Attacks 2 or 1 (paws or barf)
Damage d8/d8 or poison
Save L3
Morale 10
Hoard Class none

Leaping apes are gorillas with kangaroo legs, sea cucumber guts and living iron paws. They can spit up toxic parts of their digestive tract but as the range is only 5', most only spit down from the trees. Their paws are made of iron and can rend most metals. Anyone struck by both paws take an additional d10 points of damage. Those hit with the barf and fail their save versus poison take 30 points of damage. Leaping apes can not climb normally because of their legs so they jump from the ground into the branches and then from branch to branch.

Name Death Cape
No. Enc. d8 (d8)
Alignment NE
Movement 180' (60') climb 150' (50') glide 120' (40')
AC 5
HD 1/2
Attacks 1 (claws)
Damage d6
Save L1
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

These vile little creatures are quolls with flying squirrel flaps and tiger claws. Echidna was enraged when a human army torched the forest where some of her children dwelled and created these animals to destroy the invaders. Any creature struck by a death cap and failing its save versus death gains a disease that rots the soul rather than the flesh. Each week they lose a hit die worth of hit points (this isn't negative levels). And when they die, their bodies transform into fleshy trees that spontaneously generate more death capes. Curing the disease is easy without magic- just kill ten of the victim's species and Echidna does the rest. Otherwise it takes a Limited Wish or Wish spell.

Name Echidna's Lash
No. Enc. 3d6 (0)
Alignment CE
Movement 60' (20')
AC 4
HD 6
Attacks 1 (bite)
Damage 4d6
Save L3
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Echidna created this creatures as another weapon against heroes. They are panthers with turtle legs and snail radulas (think biological chainsaw) in place of their tongues. Lashes ambush their targets because they are so slow, surrounding the victims and tearing them apart as fast as possible. Those bitten not only take damage but their armor is usually rendered to pieces unless a save versus death is made. Failure means the armor is not only useless, but it actually impedes the wearer's movement. Cut their speed by half until they can get out of the armor. This only applies to metal armor. Cloth and leather is simply shredded. Lashes are not slow on purpose, rather it was an error in judgement by their mother. Still, they have killed several lesser heroes and destroyed small towns. If they are all slain, she will simply make a better version.

Name Island Crow
No. Enc. 4d6 (4d6)
Alignment N
Movement 150' (50') fly 180' (60')
AC 6
HD 1
Attacks 1 (peck)
Damage d3
Save L1
Morale 12
Hoard Class VII X20

Island crows have the legs of horses and howl of wolves. Large birds, the crows exist to kill travelers that arrive by sea. Their howls, which can be made only once per turn, cause confusion (as per thay spell) in all (but the crows) within 50' unless a save versus spells is made. Failure means d6 rounds of confusion. The crows use their howls to try to get their victims to kill each other. The leader bird makes its call and then others do so, one per round, until everyone is affected. Once their targets are dead, the birds eat. Otherwise they consume dead animals that wash up as well as small animals native to the islands.

Name Fire Rat
No. Enc. d8 (2d6)
Alignment NE
Movement 150' (50') climb 150' (50')
AC 6
HD 1/2
Attacks 1 (spit)
Damage d4
Save L0
Morale 5
Hoard Class VI

Fire rats are squirrels with iguana scales covering their entire bodies and viper fangs. Almost exclusively found underground, they exist to weed out weaklings attempting to invade the underworld. Hades got tired of people trying to invade his domain and stole and slightly altered these children. Their venom is spat rather than delivered with a bite. This has a range of 10' and the rodents usually try from cave walls. Anyone struck by the venom takes damage and must save versus poison. Failure results in ignition and d8 points of fire damage for d4 rounds. Putting out a fire is easy- it just takes an entire wineskin of water. As the trip down into the underworld can take a great deal of time, some who have survived an encounter with fire rats later die from dehydration.

Name Mud Fish
No. Enc. 4d4 (0)
Alignment N
Movement 60' (20') burrow 30' (10') swim 120' (40')
AC 2
HD 2
Attacks 1 (bite)
Damage 3d4
Save L1
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Mud fish are new, an attempt to kill humans in a very different way from most of the children. They work with rock fish and cause floods. Mud fish are armored fish with crocodile legs and a sawfish bill. The bill allows them to burrow through solid rock, though usually they work in mud. The rock fish use mud fish burrows and build dams all the way down to the water table. The mud fish create water in abundance, as much as a few hundred gallons per fish per day. After a few weeks, the dam is broken and whatever was down stream from the dam is washed away. On might think it would be easy to find the dams before they break, but mud fish are very intelligent and can hide their work almost in plain sight. Only luck, or magic, allows people to find the stone fishes' work before it is completed.

Name Shade
No. Enc. d4 (3d6)
Alignment NE
Movement 90' (30') fly 150' (50')
AC 6
HD 3
Attacks 1 (bite)
Damage d6
Save L2
Morale 10
Hoard Class VII

Shades are hyenas with bear heads and bat wings (the latter are their forlegs). They are dinural predators that use a rather strange form of hunting. They fly over their victims and those touched by their shadows must save versus paralyzation or be affected by a darkness spell for 2d4 turns. The save is needed every time someone is in the shadow of a shade. Shades can see in this darkness and use the confusion and difficulty it causes to bring down their prey. Shade packs try to affect everyone in a party before attacking and if they fail to do so, they do not attack. Rather, they go collect more members of their pack and try again. If that fails, then they give up- they aren't stupid enough to attack powerful heroes.

Name Unseen
No. Enc. d4 (0)
Alignment LE
Movement 150' (50')
AC 7
HD 6
Attacks 10 (bites)
Damage d3 X8, d4/d4
Save L4
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Unseen are another experiment by Echidna, one that is meant to cause chaos among the common people as well as kill heroes. They are squid but instead of arms and tentacles, they have vipers and rattlesnakes in their place. Unseen also have fox ears and excellent hearing. They are so called because they are permanently invisible and silent. Dispel magic makes them visible for d8 rounds and some non-magical tactics work as well (such as flour or dust). The viper venom does 25 points of damage on a failed save. The rattlesnake venom does 10 points on a successful save and 40 points on a failed saving throw. Unseen hide just about anywhere that is dry. They watch potential targets and follow them. When their prey is weakened, by battle or a need for sleep, then they strike. The dead are ripped apart and consumed unlike normal snake prey.

Name Herd Beast
No. Enc. 5d6 (0)
Alignment CE
Movement 240' (80')
AC 4
HD 10
Attacks 5 (bite, fists, trample, tail)
Damage d6/d4/d4/3d6/2d4
Save L8
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Herd beasts are bison/chimp centaurs with stegosaur tails. They live on plains, eating grass and any animals they can run down and trample. Echidna gave these children the ability to inflict a powerful curse, one meant to strike at a vital concept of humanity. Those creatures who are trampled must save versus spells. Failure results in divine attention. For most this means their own god keeps an eye on their actions and takes "corrective measures" when there is a lapse in morals. For clerics, this means an opposing god will send their minions to harass and attack the character. Some alternate curses for those who don't like the idea of divine attention include loss of literacy, aging 2d4 years per failed save, sterility for the character's family, rage after consuming a common food or drink, changes in fire near the character (size, color, shape), attracting monstrous pests that may spread disease or the formation of volcanic vents every time the character goes underground. In any case, the curse can be broken with magic as long as the herd beast that inflicted it is slain and its head is part of the spell's material components (it is not destroyed in the casting).

Name Cattle Serpent
No. Enc. d6 (0)
Alignment N
Movement 60' (20') swim 60' (20')
AC 3
HD 8
Attacks 1 (sting)
Damage d4
Save L6
Morale 10
Hoard Class none

Cattle serpents are giant pythons with goat legs and scorpion stings. The creature's venom causes sleep for d4 hours. After every resisting creature is put to sleep, the serpent swallows them. After 5 rounds, the victim is spat up in the form of a cow or bull if on land or a game fish if on water. If the serpent's victims are eaten by their own original race, they must save versus spells or be likewise transformed. The serpents do need to eat, but only digest livestock and wild animals they put to sleep with their sting. They aren't common but their effects can go far beyond the homes or villages they attack.
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5/24/2013 4:02:42 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name Sun Hawk
No. Enc. d6 (d6)
Alignment NE
Movement fly 300' (100')
AC 6
HD 2
Attacks 1 or 1 (spit or bite)
Damage special or d4+2
Save L1
Morale 12
Hoard Class VI

Sun hawks are raptors with rattlesnake rattles around their legs and a grasshopper mouth. They spit from the air with a range of 25'. Those struck must save versus poison or lose one sense for d4 turns. The sense is 1-5: sight, 6: hearing, 7: touch, 8: balance. Since most people are blinded, they compare the bird's attack to staring at the sun. Sun hawks are larger than red tails and are omnivorous because of their anatomy. They rarely kill humans on their own, rather they act in concert with other children.

Name Bridge Breaker
No. Enc. d8 (d8)
Alignment NE
Movement 30' (10') swim 90' (30')
AC 8
HD 3
Attacks 1 or 1 (slam or shock)
Damage 2d4 or 4d6
Save L2
Morale 8
Hoard Class none

Bridge breakers are giant newts with shark fins and the electricity generating organs of electric eels. They are freshwater inhabitants that attack bridges and the occasional boat. Their fin cuts wood easily, doing triple damage. Their shock, which can be used once per day, has a range of 10' in the water and victims can save versus poison to take half damage. When bridge breakers are sighted, people tend to avoid the stream or river and if they need to pass, build stone bridges. This doesn't stop the newts as they can walk on land, but it does make it harder for them to attack travelers.

Name Gargoyle
No. Enc. 2d4 (2d4)
Alignment N
Movement 150' (50')
AC 6
HD 4
Attacks 2 (claws)
Damage d8/d8
Save L3
Morale 10
Hoard Class VII

Gargoyles are apes with toad skin and lion claws. Because of this skin, they look like they are made of stone. They invade cities and attack during the day but when there are few witnesses. Victims who are clawed must save versus spells or be affected by a curse that causes their skin to burn in the sun. Those afflicted take d4 points of damage per hour and lose one point of charisma per eight hours. The lost charisma points heal at a rate of one per week. The curse can be dealt with Remove Curse. Gargoyles don't usually live very long as they are obvious- an issue their mother is working on.

Name Purple Serpent
No. Enc. d4 (0)
Alignment NE
Movement 90' (30') fly 120' (40')
AC 3
HD 2
Attacks 1 (bite)
Damage d4
Save L2
Morale 10
Hoard Class none

Purple serpents are vipers with millipede legs and beetle wings. They are brown and tan. Those people they bite, and fail a save versus poison, become addicted to the venom and their eyes turn purple. Every three days the victim must be bitten again otherwise they take d6 points of damage to their wisdom score as the addiction eats away at them. Even with regular bites, the victim loses one point of wisdom per month, eventually causing death. This is not a curse so the usual spells fail here. Only Heal and Restoration can remove the addiction and restore the lost wisdom. Unlike most of the other children, purple serpents are welcome in some communities- people use them to control their slaves or as a drug for themselves.
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5/25/2013 6:48:28 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name Berg Seal
No. Enc. 3d6 (3d6)
Alignment NE
Movement 30' (10') swim 120' (40')
AC 6
HD 3
Attacks 1 or 1 (antlers or quills)
Damage d8 or d4
Save L2
Morale 10
Hoard Class none

Berg seals are porcupines with seal flippers and elk heads. Echidna wanted a monster that would attack those who escaped the grasp of the snare fish. These creatures prefer to attack ships over people. They stick their quills into the wood and this causes a reaction, one that causes a block of ice to form around the quill. Each quill produces 50 pounds of ice. A large pod of berg seals can encase the bottom of a ship, making the crew unable to steer it. The seals then push the ship into a trap- rocks, other children and other monsters are typical. Male seals have antlers most of the year and use them in personal defense. Females and young are restricted to their quills. Any creature struck by the quills must make a dexterity check. Failure results in d6 quills buried in their flesh, causing d4 points of damage per quill per hour. Removing a quill quickly inflicts d4+4 points of damage. With care and ten minutes, a quill can be removed without any damage.

Name Blood Moth
No. Enc. swarm
Alignment NE
Movement fly 90' (30')
AC 8
HD 12
Attacks contact
Damage 2d6+6
Save L2
Morale 12
Hoard Class none

Blood moths have lamprey mouths and tiny eagle talons. When they attack as a swarm, they grab onto a victim with said claws and drain blood. Some are known to carry disease. If the swarm is driven off with fire, it sheds scales that explode when exposed to flames. This causes 3d6 points of damage to everyone and thing within 25' and forces a save versus spells. Failure results in a Faerie Fire effect for d4+2 hours. Other children fear blood moths because they have no minds and will feed on their kin- something that no other child of Echidna would even think of.
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5/27/2013 3:27:49 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name Crag Wolf
No. Enc. 3d4 (3d4)
Alignment NE
Movement 180' (60')
AC 5
HD 4
Attacks 1 or 1 (bite or horns)
Damage d8 or 2d4
Save L3
Morale 10
Hoard Class VII

Crag wolves are huge, the size of ponies, and have iron paws and ram's horns. They are only found on mountain tops and other places of bare stone, including underground. Each wolve can cast spike stones as a 9th level druid three times per day. Their paws prevent them from taking damage from the resulting effect. A pack of ten or more can combine their spells and create a stone cage that can hold one human sized victim per two wolves. Crag wolves are carnivores that find people and livestock herds prefered prey but eat just about anything as there is little food in their territories.

Name Shadow Rat
No. Enc. d4 (4d8)
Alignment LE
Movement 150' (50')
AC 3
HD 1/2
Attacks 1 (bite)
Damage d2
Save L1
Morale 4
Hoard Class XII

Shadow rats are among the most intelligent of the children. They are devious and much more dangerous than their size would indicate. They are black rats with fly legs and moth antennae. Instead of directly attacking anything but prey smaller than themselves, the rats weave curses on doorways and closed containers. Anyone passing through the doorway or opening the container must save versus spells at -6 or be affected by the curse. As the children are intelligent, they make different curses for different objects and locations. Dungeons with them are extremely hazardous as one might guess but it is when they invade cities, people tend to die in droves. They may be Echidna's greatest creation. Though their curses can be just about anything, here are some suggestions:

-Hallucinations. One favored in dungeons is open hallways and visible rooms. The victims will think there is some force keeping them out and will expend resources to get into the illusion.
-Racial transformation. The victim becomes the race they hate the most. For many, this means orcs, kobolds or other humanoids.
-Children, human and demi-human, attack the victim when they gain the opportunity.
-The victim's touch turns X into Y. Iron into lead, wine into firebreathing potions (automatic use next round) and lit wood, say a torch, into an explosive are popular.
-Plants and fungi have explosive growth around any victim who stays in one location for more than ten minutes. This affects up to 100' in all directions, thus giving away the victim's location as well as hampering movement.
-The victim's head shrinks and they lose d4+2 points of intelligence and charisma.
-Allergies. The victim takes d4 points of damage per hour of contact with the material. Iron, gold and stone are popular.
-Enemy magic-users learn all the victim's abilities and property. In other worlds, they can read the victim's character sheet.
-The victim's bones, eyes or other parts empower children of Echidna. After consumption, their hit dice increase by 50% and they have a -4 bonus to armor class.
-Addiction. This is very broad and can include adding platinum to the victim's diet to non-children monster parts. Handy in killing off the competition.
-The victim is no longer affected by gravity. If aboveground, they may very well float into space.
-Mounts and vehicles the victim is on have frequent accidents.
-Their presences cause temples to good and neutral gods to slowly crumble.
-Some monsters the victim harms gain temporary duplicates.
-The victim is facinated by a common substance or occurance, unable to act in its presence (but they can move and defend themselves). Fire and livestock are common selections.
-The victim has an aura of pain. This does no damage but it does cause everyone within ten feet or more to feel as if they are on fire.
-A part of the victim turns into a valuable metal. This is usually a limb and almost never the head. Other people will desire to chop off the part.
-The victim suffers time skips. When the skip is occuring, the victim ceases to exist and will reappear in the same place when the skip is finished. Typically this is day or night.
-The victim gains a boiler and must "eat" wood or coal and drink a lot of water. If the boiler goes out, the victim falls asleep until it is relit.
-The victim always goes the wrong way unless led by others.
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5/28/2013 5:09:05 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Name Blue Spider
No. Enc. d4 (5d6)
Alignment NE
Movement 30' (10') climb 30' (10')
AC 5
HD 1/2
Attacks 1 (bite)
Damage d2
Save L0
Morale 12
Hoard Class XII

Blue spiders are 6" long and have golden eagle heads and raccoon paws on their first set of legs. They are electric blue and produce silk that shocks prey into submission. But simple contact doesn't set off the web. Only when a creature tries to walk through it or cut it with a metal object does the silk react. Creatures shocked take d6 points of damage and must save versus poison or have extreme muscle contractions. In effect, they are stunned for as long as they are in contact with the silk. The spiders then bite and inject a venom that does 15 points of damage on a failed save and nothing on a successful save. Blue spiders are found typically in forests and underground. Rarely do they survive elsewhere long enough to reproduce.

Name Bleeder Lizard
No. Enc. d6 (d6)
Alignment NE
Movement 60' (20')
AC 4
HD 1
Attacks 1 or 1 (horn or blood)
Damage d4 or special
Save L0
Morale 10
Hoard Class none

Bleeder lizards are plains and desert dwelling horned lizards with horse legs and rhino horns. They can squirt blood from their eyes to a range of 20'. Those struck must save versus spells or be affected. The blood turns cloth into metal burrs, similar to barbed wire. People wearing clothing made of transformed cloth take 2d4 points of damage every time they move more than 10' or attempt to attack or defend. It takes ten minutes to safely remove the burrs from someone wearing clothing under armor. Otherwise it only takes a round, leaving the victim naked. People who live near known bleeder lizard areas learn to love leather or other non-cloth clothing.
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9/26/2014 4:40:56 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366

Something from the site that I have a blog. A new family of dragons that can easily be added to the Forge.
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