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Fan-generated Oathbound stories, dungeons, art, content, etc.
7/10/2012 5:39:38 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Or using the above idea, the bedrock under Wildwood is filled with fossilized/petrified roots. The caves down there don't last very long if not maintained because the roots fill them and then turn to stone.
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8/8/2012 3:26:11 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
There are islands of vegetation on all the large bodies of water on the Forge, but one species on the Southern Ocean is rather special. It is a plant with an animal trait, in this case whale blubber. People live on and eat some of the plant but it is far to flammable to use fire anywhere on the islands. It grows fast enough to be harvested and sold as fuel and food to passing ships. It also draws scavengers when parts of the plant die. The rotting smell can reach many miles above and below the waterline. Those that are unpopulated draw swarms of insects and crustaceans as well as schools of fish. The people of the rest of the islands cut off the dead parts and allow them to float away.

Life on these islands is difficult as there is no infrastructure- people have to live on or in the plant's branches and tendrils. Still, there are some hardy races that do so, if nothing else to avoid the open sea and its very large predators.
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10/17/2012 3:22:10 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
On my blog, I wrote on how to make a lyre of building more useful (as well as combing other magic items): http://skirmisher.com/node/1210

Using such an item, I would expect that forts and castles would start popping up on the oceans. They may be hardened water, strengthened wood or algae or imported stone or metal. They are all very impact resistant (hardness 20+) to prevent raiders and mosters from destroying and sinking them.
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10/23/2012 4:51:30 AM

Derek Holland
Derek Holland
Posts: 366
Some alien races (i.e. from very different kinds of planes) are forced to live within domes, airships, starships or doomstriders and exit only within suits or small vehicles. The kaorti in the 3.X FF is one extreme example of this (because they are from the Far Realm). But there are more, from Martians that need a very thin atmosphere to star dwellers that keep the world from burning by hiding from it (that are they would die of the cold quickly).

Races that can see magic, such as pickers, occasionally come across something they can see but not otherwise sense. An insectoid race is building hives in Penance, Arena, Wildwood and Anvil. They seem harmless as they are incorporeal and can not affect anyone else, at least so far. Hovara do not like them at all and a hive near Cage has gotten them riled up.
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