1/31/2011 4:36:50 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
A place to put those ideas that don't belong in other threads.
Magically enhanced diseases are common on the Forge. They require powerful divine magic to cure (cure disease with higher caster levels) but aren't self sustaining. A person who resists the disease isn't a carrier- the disease isn't in his system at all. Those who die likewise do not spread the disease.
Goddust has several uses beyond random mutation and life extension. One allows a mother to shape her offspring. Effectively this allows a female creature to apply a template with a CR modification of +1, +2 or +3 (or up to 3 +1 templates). Attempts to warp the child further results in a roll on the chart in Mysteries of Arena.
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2/1/2011 6:47:53 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
Parasite mutations are something that I created for Mutant Future so that characters can customize themselves. Each costs a serious defect or 2 or more ability points. In effect the price makes the parasite almost not worth getting (which is why it is parasite mutation rather than mutualist mutation). With parasites that can cast spells or provide other magical effects, the same should apply.
Something I have been waffling about making for LL/Oathbound are aggregates. They are symbionts (all types) that fuse with their hosts into one species. The first one I created was the crusty bunny- a rabbit that survives the wastelands by fusing with a tapeworm (to broaden the diet) and ringworm (a shell that shields the flesh from radiation). Another example was a rabbit humanoid and a parasitic plant. The humanoid ended up gaining a few plant mutations as well as the ability to photosynthesize. The reason I am waffling is that with magic there can be so much more but the end results may defeat the purpose of the concept entirely. Fusion of two or more species has been done in D&D to death (the best may be a template in Advanced Bestiary) but so far I haven't seen where the fusion provides changes beyond that of the stock species (which is what the bunny is all about). Still the idea is a great one and I hope that others use it.
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2/2/2011 6:20:59 AM
Paul Grosse Posts: 38
I would suggest Rite Publishing's Book of Monster Templates
-- Paul "Yes that Paul" Grosse PCGen BoD -PR Silverback & LST Chimp Forums: Nylan (or Nylanfs)
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2/3/2011 4:55:14 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
I think you have that in the wrong thread, Paul.
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2/6/2011 5:16:42 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
The shadow fey are made of shadow. Why not give them racial feats that allow themselves to change their dimentions using light? A sort of morphing ability rather than shapeshifting. It wouldn't be fast but it would highly useful in the right conditions.
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2/7/2011 6:13:15 AM
ToddM Administrator Posts: 44
i would not say that they are made completely of shadow, when they die there horns remain and it is certain that there is a solid structure not unlike a skeleton beneath there shadowy surface, if touched in one spot to long by a living being, (plants, fungus and such not included) they crust over in that spot becoming solid this would be like a server burn to us, (though if given time they can heal completely from prolonged contact) light of an intense nature harms them even faster, i would not doubt that some deep fey wizards can shift and shape there shadowy form, but for the rest, its like saying since we are mostly made of water we should be able to reshape are selves, using jello molds.
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2/8/2011 5:10:56 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
Okay. I was just had the thought if they were shadows, why not make them as maliable.
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2/14/2011 5:50:40 PM
Greg Dent Administrator Posts: 195
How about if we gave them a discount for taking the Focus of the Shadow? Like half off? Fire sale!
-- President, Epidemic Books
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2/19/2011 5:12:33 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
Would you allow that? Or a dragon taking the focus of the wyrm? It would almost be like a paragon race.
One of the niftier things about the Forge is new blood. A race can go through evolution, changing over generations and yet have infusions of new blood from the home planes every once in a while. For those who like designing monsters and races, this provides an almost unique situation that can result in all kinds of sub and sister species.
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3/21/2011 5:01:04 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
Some materials are naturally magical. They form the basis of 3.0 alchemy (back when you didn't have to be a spellcaster to use it) and may be in larger quantities on the Forge than other worlds due to its origin and the constantly leaking divine power. What does this mean, there might be a lot more alchemists, even some that treat it as a hobby, and their creations should be cheaper than on other worlds (ie there should be a lot more of it).
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3/24/2011 11:44:36 AM
Greg Dent Administrator Posts: 195
Derek Holland wrote:
Some materials are naturally magical. They form the basis of 3.0 alchemy (back when you didn't have to be a spellcaster to use it) and may be in larger quantities on the Forge than other worlds due to its origin and the constantly leaking divine power. What does this mean, there might be a lot more alchemists, even some that treat it as a hobby, and their creations should be cheaper than on other worlds (ie there should be a lot more of it).
I like that idea. BTW, my friend Sig put together a cool Pathfinder sourcebook on alchemy recently. I haven't had a chance to read it, but knowing him, it's probably worth the 4 bucks: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=83907
-- President, Epidemic Books
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4/15/2011 4:12:02 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
I am considering making the Oathbind spell (the greater version) a universal law. IOW it applies to everyone making a promise (only those not under duress to do so). The Forge was based on oaths, why not make it apply to everyone?
And then there are chaos storms. The Forge is just awash in magic. Every once in a while, spell casters cause major destruction by accident as their magic interacts with the magic leaking from the prison. I am not sure exactly about how I would do this but 2e chaos magic is a place to start.
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4/22/2011 4:31:25 PM
Greg Dent Administrator Posts: 195
Both of these are excellent ideas. I think they add some cool flavor to Oathbound that sets it apart from other settings without being too annoying to deal with. Let us know if you figure out the chaos magic.
-- President, Epidemic Books
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4/24/2011 4:56:17 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
Basic 3.X rules for chaos storms.
It only happens with spells above 5th level. There is a 1% chance per caster level of this happening and it only occurs in specific areas (like near the fortresses and other magical hot spots). Everything within a distance of caster level X spell level in feet is potentially affected. Those objects and creatures must make a fort save. DC = SL + CL (unattented objects have a CL % to be affected). Those failing the save are transmuted into something else. The GM must write up his or her own chart(s) as each location should be unique.
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4/27/2011 3:38:54 PM
Greg Dent Administrator Posts: 195
Good start. I don't have the book (Seven) in front of me right now, but there was a way to roll the dice on any spell to gain the forge's favor. (I know I wrote that, but can't remember the details atm). That could increase the chances of this happening.
-- President, Epidemic Books
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5/1/2011 4:04:49 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
Yeah, wouldn't that be a bad thing?
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5/19/2011 3:28:10 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
Once a month the water moon eclipses Crux. This could be a time where fire magic works underwater or the time unique spells based on fire and water function.
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5/19/2011 4:40:15 PM
Greg Dent Administrator Posts: 195
Derek Holland wrote:
Once a month the water moon eclipses Crux. This could be a time where fire magic works underwater or the time unique spells based on fire and water function.
Heck, why not! The more cool unique stuff like this you throw into your game the better, as far as I'm concerned.
-- President, Epidemic Books
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6/6/2011 3:21:37 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
I was going to mention ferrin as lava alchemists but it turns out they are resistant to electrical attacks, not heat. Still, whatever races that can work with lava have access to materials that may not exist otherwise on the surface. There is no reason that minerals can't morph their essence (atomic structure for more science based games) in such a high magic setting.
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6/10/2011 3:40:18 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
Another idea for the chaos storms is tapping the power of the Forge through the canton lines. They could act as ley lines that have a tendancy to mutate spells (and spellcasters).
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