2/4/2011 5:55:44 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
What race is the dinosaur on page 207?
What happened to the Gloomskein?
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2/4/2011 9:44:33 PM
ToddM Administrator Posts: 44
the dinosaur on 207 is actually a were-t-rex that dominates the prehistoric part of the mushroom forest, she will be detailed in a free online release and stated if i ever get a spare moment to finish it edited by ToddM on 2/5/2011
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2/5/2011 5:17:15 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
Okay. Next question- what do you mean by "prehistoric part of the mushroom"? The forest in Eclipse or somewhere new?
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2/5/2011 7:12:53 AM
Paulon Posts: 34
I think it's referring to the area of the Lake of Teeth on page 131 of Eclipse, under the Primenara tribe entry.
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2/5/2011 10:22:34 AM
ToddM Administrator Posts: 44
Paulon has it right
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2/14/2011 5:15:32 PM
Greg Dent Administrator Posts: 195
We didn't do anything to the Gloomskein. I assume you are referring to the fact we didn't mention it in Seven. Well, Seven doesn't go into detail on any of the regions, it just updates the overviews. The gloomskein was never mentioned in the original description of Arena, but was added in the later books by other writers. While it has its own merits, it never fit well into our vision of the world, as it was somewhat redundant of regions in Anvil and Eclipse. We aren't saying it's not there anymore, we just aren't going to do anything with it. If you like it, keep it in, but we won't really have any references to it going forward.
If we do get around to redoing Arena for Pathfinder, there may be some mention of people that live in the large network tunnels of the abandoned mines, but I don't see it as a major civilization in any way.
-- President, Epidemic Books
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2/16/2011 9:25:25 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
It wasn't the confusing tunnels that made it interesting but rather the lodes and that the whole was intelligent. A giant, intelligent system of tunnels and caves.
If evolutions are genetic, are they (potentially) inheritable?
Can one purchase the same level of an focus multiple times (one per level) to pick up all the mutations?
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2/16/2011 3:39:54 PM
Paulon Posts: 34
Derek Holland wrote:
Can one purchase the same level of an focus multiple times (one per level) to pick up all the mutations?
I think the mutations are optional extras. Once you've purchased a given level of a focus, instead of advancing it the next time you're eligible to evolve again, you can take any allowable mutation from that focus of equal or lesser level instead. They're not necessarily as useful as a full level of an evolution, but they don't have as large an XP cost either.
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2/18/2011 4:40:39 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
I still want to hear that from Greg or Todd to see the official ruling.
I was rereading the new history chapter in OB7 and something hit me. It reads like a novel, not a game supplement. A few things occur that don't make sense within the context of the ruleset.
So what if Flollo's son is dead. He just has to take a piece of the body to one of the churches he supports and have him raised. Flollo is still disgusted and disheartened because of the act of betrayal.
Megaera being missing. Didn't someone use Locate Creature? And if she is dead, True Resurrection. If that fails, then it is known she is undead so some of her people can hunt for her and hopefully slay the new version to get the old leader back.
The Queen allowing an army to assult her fortress. Why didn't she drop a low level epic spell (if that) to destroy the bridges?
This is actually minor stuff as many authors do this with their settings and some are much worse about forgetting the rules while writing the fiction. Don't think I am putting you guys down, I am not. It is something to think about when writing future pieces (hopefully lots of them).
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2/23/2011 6:50:58 PM
Greg Dent Administrator Posts: 195
Derek Holland wrote:
If evolutions are genetic, are they (potentially) inheritable? Yes. But you'd probably need to find someone of your same "species" to breed with to guarantee fertility. But there's a spell for that somewhere in eclipse or seven.
Derek Holland wrote:
Can one purchase the same level of an focus multiple times (one per level) to pick up all the mutations? What Paulon said. You purchase each evolution once, and then have access to the associated mutations at later levels. You can purchase one mutation or evolution each character level.
-- President, Epidemic Books
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2/23/2011 7:00:30 PM
Greg Dent Administrator Posts: 195
Derek Holland wrote:
So what if Flollo's son is dead. He just has to take a piece of the body to one of the churches he supports and have him raised. Flollo is still disgusted and disheartened because of the act of betrayal. That's one of the major problems with writing a story in the context the the somewhat absurd mechanics of fantasy gaming. I don't know that resurrection is as common in the world as it may be in a game session. But your suggestion works if you want to run with that.
Derek Holland wrote:
Megaera being missing. Didn't someone use Locate Creature? And if she is dead, True Resurrection. If that fails, then it is known she is undead so some of her people can hunt for her and hopefully slay the new version to get the old leader back. Megaera is definitely not dead, and yes, they tried all sorts of divinations. This question is answered by the Total Eclipse adventure we are working on. It ties in with the creation of the Forge and all that, and there is a good reason why she's not able to be found.
Derek Holland wrote:
The Queen allowing an army to assault her fortress. Why didn't she drop a low level epic spell (if that) to destroy the bridges? The bridges were actually part of the citadel. She can't harm them. They fell away when the citadel fell. The citadel that's there now is actually Bathkol's from the kiln that regrew inside of her citadel from the book Belus pieced together. Also, the flock don't necessarily have to take specific actions, they have to defend their citadels, but how they best do that is somewhat up to interpretation, and many of the Seven actually at this point do want to be defeated, so if they can get away with not doing something, they probably will.
Derek Holland wrote:
This is actually minor stuff as many authors do this with their settings and some are much worse about forgetting the rules while writing the fiction. Don't think I am putting you guys down, I am not. It is something to think about when writing future pieces (hopefully lots of them). As I said above, it's hard to construct a good story without many of the limitations put upon us by the real world. I agonized over this stuff more than you might think, and some of the basic Forge rules help enforce some needed limitations.
-- President, Epidemic Books
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2/25/2011 4:24:36 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
Ah, thank you for the answers, Greg.
Now hurry up and get the Vault, Anvil and Kiln books out Your answers make me want to read the Kiln even more.
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2/28/2011 8:47:41 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
greg wrote:
Derek Holland wrote: If evolutions are genetic, are they (potentially) inheritable? Yes. But you'd probably need to find someone of your same "species" to breed with to guarantee fertility. But there's a spell for that somewhere in eclipse or seven.
Seed and Improved Seed. I have bought almost every book with biotech spells that I have found and I think that you put the level for these too high. Fertility is a zero, or maybe an first, level effect. It isn't more impressive than controlling someone* and actually obeys the laws of physics. Improved seed is fine as long as the selection is much more than just sex. If parents could select coloration (skin, eyes, hair), general hight and maybe a slight aptitude (say +1 on a specific Craft or Profession skill), then it is definately a third level druid spell.
*A good bench mark for 1st level spells. Charm person is an impressive power that is obviously supernatural.
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3/2/2011 2:48:05 PM
Greg Dent Administrator Posts: 195
Derek Holland wrote:
Ah, thank you for the answers, Greg. Now hurry up and get the Vault, Anvil and Kiln books out Your answers make me want to read the Kiln even more.
Ah, sadly at this point, we'll need to sell more books before we can go down that road. Todd and I are the only people that work for free here. I assume you probably want to see more than just character art. We are thinking about it though.
-- President, Epidemic Books
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3/9/2011 6:38:28 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
Those outsiders/elementals that are ripped in half by a failed attempt at returning home (ala summoning spells)- can they be ressurected (if nothing else, with wishes)?
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3/10/2011 5:07:40 PM
Greg Dent Administrator Posts: 195
Derek Holland wrote:
Those outsiders/elementals that are ripped in half by a failed attempt at returning home (ala summoning spells)- can they be ressurected (if nothing else, with wishes)?
I don't see why not. Don't know why you'd resurrect an elemental though. Anything worth resurrecting probably comes in via a high level spell (like Gate) that doesn't make the creature disappear when the duration ends. This mechanic was more to make those low-level summoning spells have more of an emotional impact. If some wolf suddenly appears, helps you out, and then disappears, you won't really think much about overcasting the spell, but if you have to clean up his guts afterwards....
-- President, Epidemic Books
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3/11/2011 5:55:21 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
Elementals like slyphs and weirds (3.X version of weirds). Okay, so gate works one way. Hmm. Suddenly the Forge has some interesting implications for dealing with powerful evils. Who cares if they ravage the Forge- it is a dead spot to the multiverse as it is. Thanks for the idea!
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5/13/2011 3:34:43 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
Does the artificer pattern plug and play work for plants? How much of an increase in created material would a feat provide (ie a new feat specifically for artificers).
You have mentioned that souls do escape the Forge. Could a party willingly enter the plane (say via planeshift), do what they want, kill themselves and then be raised via true ressurection on their home plane? It would suck losing all the gear and gifts, but the evolutions and spells may make it worth while.
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5/19/2011 4:39:29 PM
Greg Dent Administrator Posts: 195
Derek Holland wrote:
Does the artificer pattern plug and play work for plants? How much of an increase in created material would a feat provide (ie a new feat specifically for artificers).
Yes, though I'm not sure you'd be able to combine plant and animal material into one being.
Derek Holland wrote:
You have mentioned that souls do escape the Forge. Could a party willingly enter the plane (say via planeshift), do what they want, kill themselves and then be raised via true ressurection on their home plane? It would suck losing all the gear and gifts, but the evolutions and spells may make it worth while.
Hmm... that's a fascinating hypothetical paradox. I wouldn't allow it, but I could think of DMs that would. I don't know that evolutions would stick as they are a function of the body and not the soul. Without the forge to reform the body, the owner's original shape would reform. It's definitely an absurd risk, as it takes a while to gain spells and evolutions on the Forge, and there's no guarantee that by the time you get around to killing yourself that they guy is still there on the other end waiting to raise you.
For the record, we have never used any kind of resurrection or raise dead magic in any game I have ever played in (except for undead stuff). Our games tend to focus more on story than strategy, and if death has no meaning, then the story kind of loses some of its heart.
-- President, Epidemic Books
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5/20/2011 3:41:29 AM
Derek Holland Posts: 366
greg wrote:
Hmm... that's a fascinating hypothetical paradox. I wouldn't allow it, but I could think of DMs that would.
Well as evolutions do stick with the characters who leave the Forge (I know that is in DOF and am pretty sure is in OB 7), I don't see any problem with the idea.
I don't know that evolutions would stick as they are a function of the body and not the soul.
?? Raise dead spells rebuild the body. I can understand with reincarnate but not RD and Ress.
It's definitely an absurd risk, as it takes a while to gain spells and evolutions on the Forge
To improve forever one's species genetics and knowledge is never an absurd risk.
there's no guarantee that by the time you get around to killing yourself that the guy is still there on the other end waiting to raise you.
Guy? I would hire a church to make the attempt every 6 months after a certain time (say 5 years).
As for plant/animal combos, I wouldn't allow an artificier to do it but there are some ways. Grafts (FF grafts, not WW grafts) are the best way to do that.
And you missed my question about the feat.
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